首页> 中文期刊> 《湖北农业科学》 >汉江樱桃果实发育的品质变化及贮藏物流保鲜技术研究




To clarify quality change of Hanjiang cherry[Cerasus pseudocerasus(Lindl.) G. Don] during fruits development, the preservation effect of different processing conditions and ambient temperature changes during logistics was analyzed. The changes of single fruit weigh, fruit handle pull, soluble saccharide during fruits development were compared. The marketable fruit rate after pre-cooling and logistics was studied by analyzing the fruit decay rate under different conditions (25℃, 0℃, 0℃+gas modulation, 80% N2+15% CO2+5% O2). The results showed that the fruit weight of cherry fruit was 0.80, 1.50, 2.34, 3.03, 3.24 g at hard core stage, color changing stage, early well, medium maturity and near maturity respectively. The higher the fruit maturity, the smaller the pull force of fruit stalk. The soluble saccharide value was 7.55%, 10.04%, 13.62%, 15.40%, 16.34%; The decay rate reached to 72% by the fourth day at 25℃, but was only 4% under 0℃; There was no decay occured under 0℃+gas modulation. If treated by pre-cooling for 24 h, the marketable fruit rate was as high as 90% after 41 h of logistics. The preservation effects of Hanjiang cherry under gas modulation +low temperature was superior to single low temperature.%为探明汉江樱桃[Cerasus pseudocerasus(Lindl.) G. Don]在生长发育过程中的品质变化,采用不同处理对其保鲜效果进行分析,比较果实在发育过程中单果重、果柄拉力、糖度的动态变化;分别在25℃、0℃、0℃+气调(80% N2+15% CO2+5% O2)不同贮藏条件下比较果实腐烂率和预冷物流后果实好果率的差异.结果表明,樱桃果实在硬核期、转色期、七成熟、八成熟、九成熟的单果重分别是0.80、1.50、2.34、3.03、3.24 g;果实成熟度越高,果柄拉力越小;不同成熟期的糖度分别为7.55%、10.04%、13.62%、15.40%、16.34%;果实在25℃环境下,贮藏至第四天腐烂率达72%,0℃环境下,第四天腐烂率仅4%,而在0℃+气调条件下,无腐烂现象发生.果实在预冷24 h后物流运输41 h,好果率达90%.因此汉江樱桃在低温+气调的条件下保鲜效果优于单独低温冷藏.



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