首页> 中文期刊>安徽史学 >胡适学术方法论对宋学、清学方法的继承发展




Hu Shi attached great importance to academic methodology ,put forward an academic methods with the core of"bold hypothesis and careful verification".His academic methods were not only guided by pragmatism ,but also inherited and developed the academic methods of Song Dynasty and Qing Dynasty .He thought that Chinese academic history was the evolu-tion history of scientific methods ,the scientific methods of Cheng Zhu Neo -Confucianism was the beginning of Chinese modern academic,Plain Learning (Puxue) of Qing Dynasty was possessed with the most scientific spirit .The development of modern Chinese academic should inherit the scientific spirits and methods of Song Dynasty academic and Qing Dynasty academic .His inheritance of academic methods of Song Dynasty academic and Qing Dynasty academic greatly promoted the scientific process of Chinese modern academic .But,it was scientism,emphasizing only instrumental rationality and not value rationality ,didn' t reveal the spirit of humanistic moral rationality of Chinese traditional academic .%胡适是中国现代学术界最重视学术方法论的史家,一生致力于科学方法论的建设和传播,提出了以"大胆的假设、小心的求证"为核心的学术方法论.他的学术方法论既是以实用主义为指导形成的,同时对中国传统的宋学和清学中的方法作了继承发展.他认为科学方法无古今中外之分,中国学术史就是科学方法的演进史,程朱理学的科学方法开启中国近代学术之先河,清代朴学的治学更具科学精神.中国现代学术的发展应当继承宋代和清代学者治学的科学精神和方法.胡适对宋学和清学方法的批判性继承极大推动了中国现代学术的科学化进程;然而,又是唯科学主义的,只讲工具理性,不讲价值理性,未能揭示中国传统学术人文道德理性的精神,其学术得失对当代中国学术方法论建设具有重要启示.



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