首页> 中文期刊> 《高速铁路技术》 >动车组检修轴箱轴承压装异常曲线分析




In this paper,the abnormal jumpiness curve during axle box bearing press mounting in CRH2 type and CRH380A(L)type EMU maintenance is analyzed. To study the cause of abnormity and reduce the number of that, first,based on statistical comparison of press mounting record data,the curve trend in the press mounting record is ana-lyzed,the position and rule of the abnormal jumpiness are found out. Then according to the structural feature of bearing and leading tooling,the long - term tracking is performed at site,the reasons leading to the abnormal jumpiness of pres-sure curve are analyzed,at last,it is decided to adopt optimizing press mounting technics and improving the auxiliary tooling structure to solve the problem. With the application of new tooling,the frequency of abnormal jumpiness of axle box bearing press mounting curve is reduced,the percent of pass is improved. The result shows that the abnormal pres-sure curve can be solved fundamentally by improving the auxiliary tooling structure.%文章对 CRH2型、CRH380A(L)型动车组检修轴箱轴承压装过程中压装曲线异常跳动的情况进行分析。为研究异常原因,降低异常数量,首先通过统计对比压装记录数据,分析压装记录中的曲线走势,找出异常跳动位置,发现跳动规律,然后再根据轴承、引导工装等结构特点,现场进行长期跟踪,分析出导致压力曲线异常跳动的原因,针对异常原因,解决方法从轴箱轴承压装辅助工装以及轴箱轴承压装工艺等方面考虑,优化压装工艺、改进辅助工装结构。采用新工装后,降低了轴箱轴承压装曲线异常跳动频率,提高了轴箱轴承压装曲线合格率。结果表明,改进辅助工装结构能够从根本上解决压力曲线异常的情况。



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