首页> 中文期刊> 《高速铁路技术》 >长大坡道货物列车下坡限速检算分析




Reasonable downhill speed limit can not only guarantee the safety of the train,but also make full use of the capacity of the railways.In this paper,the variation of the braking material and the brake shoe pressure in the current TG/01 -2014 Railway Technical Management Rules is analyzed,and by considering the influences of common braking speed and emergency braking speed,the methods of resultant force analysis and piecewise accumulation are adopted,so that the downhill speed limit of a freight train running on the slopes of 2 1‰~33‰is worked out.The results show that when the service brake factor of the train is taken as 0.6:1 .downhill speed limit is determined by the emergency braking speed for ramps from 21‰ to 29‰,and the downhill speed limit decrease with the increase of slope,and the downhill speed limit reduces 1 km/h for each additional 1‰;2.when the slope is from 30‰to 33‰,the downhill speed limit is determined by the common braking speed,and the downhill speed limit decrease sharply with the increase of the slope,and the downhill speed limit reduces 10km/h for each additional 1‰.The research conclusions are of use for reference for the design of long and steep slopes on railway.%合理的下坡限速可以保证列车在长大下坡道上安全运行,并能充分发挥铁路的运输能力。文章分析了现行TG/01-2014《铁路技术管理规程》中制动摩擦材料及闸瓦压力的变化情况,综合考虑列车常用制动限速和紧急制动限速的影响,采用合力分析法和分段累加法,计算得出列车在21‰~33‰坡度下的下坡限速。研究发现当列车常用制动系数取为0.6时:(1)21‰~29‰坡道下的下坡限速由紧急制动限速决定,下坡限速值随坡度值的增加而递减,坡度每增加1‰,限速值减少1 km/h;(2)30‰~33‰坡度下的下坡限速由列车常用制动限速决定,下坡限速值随坡度值的增加而急剧递减,坡度每增加1‰,限速减少10 km/h。研究结论对长大坡道线路设计具有一定的借鉴意义。



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