首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >上海市普陀区2013年手足口病病原学监测结果分析




Objective To investigate the etiological characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Putuo District of Shanghai in 2013, so as to provide the laboratory basis for prevention and control of HFMD. Methods Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR was used for detecting the nucleic acid of universal entervirus (EV), Enterovirus 71 (EV71), Coxsackie virus A16 (CA16), Coxsackievirus A10 (CA10) and Coxsackievirus A6 (CA6) in throat swabs, herpes fluid and anal swabs from 366 patients with suspected HFMD. Results CA6 was de-tected most frequently, followed by EV71. There were 273 EV-positive cases (74.59%), 169 CA6-positive cases (46.17%), 58 EV71-positive cases (15.85%), 18 CA16-positive cases (4.92%), and 8 CA10-positive cases (2.19%). Conclusion The etiological characteristics of HFMD in Putuo District of Shanghai in 2013 showed the mostly de-tected pathogen was CA6 (accounting for 46.17%), followed by EV71 (accounting for 15.85%). It suggested that the pathogen composition of HFMD in Putuo District of Shanghai is complex. Further research on trends of CA6 and mon-itor on HFMD pathogen spectrum should be strengthened, so as to provide experimental evidence for prevention and treatment of HFMD.%目的:了解2013年上海市普陀区手足口病的病原学特点,为手足口病的防控提供实验室依据。方法采用实时荧光定量PCR对366例疑似手足口病患者的咽拭子、疱疹液和肛拭子进行肠道病毒通用核酸(EV)、肠道病毒71型(EV71)、柯萨奇病毒A组16型(CA16)、柯萨奇病毒A组10型(CA10)和柯萨奇病毒A组6型(CA6)基因检测。结果引起手足口病的肠道病毒主要为柯萨奇病毒A组6型(CA6)和肠道病毒71型(EV71),366例手足口病者中肠道病毒通用核酸阳性者273例(74.59%),柯萨奇病毒A组6型(CA6)阳性者169例(46.17%),肠道病毒71型(EV71)阳性者58例(15.85%),柯萨奇病毒A组16型(CoxA16)阳性者18例(4.92%),柯萨奇病毒A组10型(CA10)阳性者8例(2.19%)。结论2013年上海市普陀区手足口病者的病原学特点以CA6为主,占46.17%;EV71次之,占15.85%。提示上海市普陀区手足口病病原体组成复杂,应深入分析CA6的流行趋势,加强手足口病病原谱监测,为手足口病防治提供实验室依据。



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