首页> 中文期刊>科教导刊 >高校图书馆在大学生的信息素质培养中的优势




信息素质是现代人生存能力的素质,是一种能够充分认识到何时需要信息,并有能力有效的发现、检索、评价和利用所需要的信息,解决当前存在的问题的能力.高校作为培养大学生的摇篮,必须采取积极有效的措施,克分利用其信息机构——图书馆,为基础教育培养出适应现代教育发展要求的、具有良好信息素质的新型大学生。文章从分析对大学生进行信息素质培养的必要性入手,阐明信息素质蕴含的具体内容,探讨其在人的诸多素质之中的首要地位,论述高校图书馆在大学生信息素质培养中所具有的优势,达到全面提高大学生素质的目的。%Information quality is the quality of modem viability, is a way to fully understand when you need information, and the ability to effectively f'md, retrieve, evaluate and use information needed to solve current problems of capacity. College students as the cradle ofculturel must take effective measures to make full use of their information institutions - libraries, based on education and training to adapt to the requirements of modern education, with good quality information on new students. Articles from the analysis of information on the quality of training students need to start to clarify the quality of information inherent in the specific content of its people among the many qualities the primacy of discourse in the university library information literacy training students in the advantages, to comprehensively improve the quality of the purpose of college students.



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