首页> 中文期刊>林业调查规划 >一种芽孢杆菌的新用途




Bacillus,a genus of aerobes or facultative anaerobes which widely distributed in water,air and soil,could produce a variety of active substances and enzymes,and synthesise various vitamin and auxin in the growth and metabolism.He Qiuyue once reported that Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 9601-Y2 took good effect on promoting the rooting and growth of cuttings.The study on the seed germination of Cymbidium goeringii found that Bacillus Bs greatly promoted the seed germination of Cymbidium,and the infected seed of Cymbidium goeringii germinated evenly with high germination rate and short germination duration.The experiment on Bacillus isolation and reinoculation proved that Bacillus worked for the seed germination of both Cymbidium goeringii with the 10 times higher germination rate than aseptic germination,and the other Cymbidium such as Cymbidium tortisepalum,Cymbidium sinense and Cymbidium kanran,germination rate of which was over 95%.The new use of Bacillus found in this research was significant to protecting Cymbidium resources and cultivating new varieties in China.%芽孢杆菌为杆菌科的一属细菌,为好氧或兼性厌氧的杆菌,广泛分布在水、空气和土壤中.芽孢杆菌在菌体生长及代谢过程中产生多种活性物质和酶,合成多种维生素和植物生长素,何月秋等(2009)报道:解淀粉芽孢菌9601-Y2具有非常好的促进植物插条生根和生长的作用.在进行春兰等种子萌发特性研究时发现,Bs芽孢杆菌在国兰种子萌发中具有较强的促进作用,即被该菌感染的春兰种子萌发率特别高,萌发整齐,萌发持续时间短.对该菌分离培养、再接种实验证明,春兰种子萌发率高出无菌萌发的10倍以上,且实验证明,该菌不仅对春兰种子有效,而且对多种莲瓣兰、墨兰、寒兰等种子的萌发同样有效,有效率达95%以上.研究发现的芽孢杆菌这一新用途对保护中国兰花(春兰)资源和新品种培育具十分重要意义.



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