首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 >2246张麻醉药品处方点评与分析




目的:探讨南京医科大学附属苏州医院/苏州科技城医院(以下简称"我院")麻醉药品处方的合理性,以提升处方质量.方法:对2016年8—12月我院2246张麻醉药品处方进行点评与分析.结果:2246张麻醉药品处方中,不合理处方371张(占16.5%);每月不合理处方数呈逐月下降趋势.麻醉药品不合理处方分布于麻醉科、肿瘤科、重症加强护理病房、消化内科及普外科,麻醉科、肿瘤科的不合理处方数较多;主要类型包括处方前记缺项,"毒、麻、精、放"药品处方未执行国家有关规定,用法与用量缺项,用法与用量不合理,处方修改未签名及未注明修改日期等.结论:我院麻醉药品处方存在一定不合理现象,临床药师严格按照国家规定审核麻醉药品处方,并及时反馈给临床医师,可促进临床麻醉药品的合理应用.%OBJECTIVE: To probe into the rationality of prescriptions of narcotic drugs in Suzhou Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University/Suzhou Science& Technology Town Hospital ( hereinafter referred to as "our hospital") , so as to promote the quality of prescriptions .METHODS:2246 prescriptions of narcotic drugs of our hospital from Aug.to Dec.in 2016 were reviewed and analyzed .RESULTS: Among the 2246 prescriptions, there were 371 ( 16.5%) irrational prescriptions; the number of irrational prescriptions presented a downtrend month by month.Irrational prescriptions of narcotic drugs were distributed in departments of anesthesiology , oncology, ICU, gastroenterology and general surgery , mostly were in anesthesiology department and oncology department; main types included lacunas of prescription preface , national regulations were not implemented in prescriptions of "toxic drugs , narcotic drugs , psychotropic drugs and radioactive drugs", lacunas of usage and dosage , irrational usage and dosage , no signature or no date in prescription modifying , etc.CONCLUSIONS: The prescriptions of narcotic drugs in our hospital is at a certain levels of irrationality , clinicians should examine and verify these prescriptions in strict accordance with national regulations , and timely report the results back to physicians , so as to promote the rational application of clinical narcotic drugs .



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