首页> 中文期刊>环境保护科学 >人类自我科学管理是实现可持续发展的必然选择




Currently, the constant expansion of world population and the rapid improvement of mankind's material living standards are exerting great pressure on the world energy and environment. This paper, based on the analysis of the present world situation and the challenges toward sustainable development, concludes that reasonable human self-management is vital for global sustainable development. Elaboration on this issue focuses on four major aspects: human self-positioning, human attitude on science and technology, population management and human consumption management. To achieve effective self-management, mankind need to take some immediate measures: re-examine their own role before self-positioning, assess the role of the science and technology rationally, stabilize the population and abandon the irrational consumption pattern. Some countermeasures are put forward.%现今人口规模的不断膨胀和物质生活水平的日益提高,对资源和环境造成的压力急剧增加.文章分析了世界现状和可持续发展面临的挑战之后,提出人类要实现可持续发展必须要进行自我科学管理,分别从人类自我定位、对待科技的态度、人口管理、人类消费管理4个方面进行讨论和阐述.人类首先需重新审视自己,进行自我定位;其次要正确对待科技;控制人口数量和转变不合理消费是目前人类自我管理的重要任务,对此提出一些实施对策.



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