首页> 中文期刊> 《电镀与涂饰》 >发动机罩涂装前处理弹丸残留问题研究及解决方案




The harm of residual pills on bulldozer engine hood after shot blasting pretreatment was introduced. The causes for residual of pills were explained from the aspect of the structure of engine hood. Three methods were presented aiming to solve the problem about stagnation or fracture of bolt caused by residual pills entering the threaded hole during the assembly of guard shield. Based on analyzing the practical situation, a method was chosen by which a protective baffle was spot welded on the top of the threaded hole to avoid the entering of residual pills. Experiment was carried out for further use. The method has been applied to practical production and proved to be feasible.%介绍了推土机发动机罩抛丸处理后残留弹丸的危害,并从工件结构方面说明了残留原因。针对在底护板装配过程中残留弹丸进入螺纹孔并造成螺栓卡死或断裂的问题提出了3种解决思路。通过分析实际情况,选择在螺纹孔上点焊堵板以防弹丸进入的方案并进行了工艺试验。在此基础上应用到生产中,最终证明了该方案的可行性。



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