首页> 中文期刊> 《中国地震》 >城市小区居民地震灾害认知与响应的初步研究——以宝鸡市宝钛小区为例




城市小区居民地震灾害认知与响应的研究,可为制定防震减灾相关政策提供实证依据.通过问卷调查方式,采用比较分析法,对宝鸡市宝钛小区居民的地震灾害认知与响应状况进行研究.结果表明,居民地震灾害认知与响应的总体水平不够理想,其中在自救互救方面最差,在地震灾害知识方面较好;居民对地震灾害知识了解的准确性欠缺、深度不够,防震减灾技能掌握不足,但有迫切的学习需求;居民自救互救的主动性和组织性较差,互救意识淡薄,地震谣言辨别能力不强,易于传播谣言.因此,充分发挥小区基层机构的宣传、引导、组织和管理作用,提升小区居民对地震灾害的认知与响应水平,是增强城市小区防震减灾综合能力的有效途径之一.%The research on earthquake disaster cognition and response of urban community residents can provide a demonstration basis for making up corresponding policies for the earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation. Through questionnaire investigation and comparative analysis method, this paper made a research on earthquake disaster cognition and response of the Baotai Community residents in Baoji City. The results showed that; (1) The overall level of earthquake disaster cognition and response of the residents is not ideal, and the residents' self and mutual rescue is the worst, while the residents' disaster knowledge is better. (2 ) The accuracy and depth of the residents' earthquake disaster knowledge, as well as the earthquake disaster coping skills are not enough, though they expressed an urge for learning. ( 3 ) The self and mutual rescue of the residents is passive and poorly organized, and the ability of discriminating and resisting earthquake rumors is not good as expected. (4) The fully playing of community-level facilities' actions of propagation, guidance, organization and management, is one of the effective ways to enhance the comprehensive ability of urban community for earthquake disaster prevention and mitigation.



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