首页> 中文期刊>当代继续教育 >美国社区学院学分转换制度对学分银行学分认证设计的启示




Credit transfer system of American community college is the bridge between senior high school education and undergraduate education or other education. With its development,the credit of the learners can be transferred from community colleges to universities,from vocational ed-ucation to academic education,distance education,adult education and non-academic education, which greatly lower the entrance of universities,offering opportunities to those disadvantaged groups to accept all types of higher education. China's credit bank is similar to credit transfer institution of American community college,we can learn some experience from it:1. Establishing national policies and laws;2. Establishing allies of credit bank certification,signing cooperation agreement;3. For-mulating standardized credit bank curriculum system;4 . Guaranteeing qualification of credit certifi-cation;5. Defining type and field of credit certification and transferring.%美国社区学院学分转换制度是高中教育与四年制本科教育或与其他教育类型之间的沟通桥梁。它几经变迁,使学习者获得的学分能从社区学院转向四年制大学,从职业教育转向普通学术教育、远程教育、成人教育或非学历教育。它具有以下特点:政策支持、互签协议、课程编码、转换限定和多领域兑换,降低了大学的入学门槛,为每个美国公民开启机会之门,使许多弱势阶层的人能够接受各种类型高等教育。我国的学分银行学分认证与学分转换制度有相似之处,可以从中得到借鉴,进行学分银行的学分认证设计,包括:1.建立国家层面的政策和法规;2.建立学分银行认证联盟,签订合作协议;3.制定标准化的学分银行课程体系;4.确保学分互认的质量水准和含金量;5.明确学分互认的认证类型与范围。



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