首页> 中文期刊>城市规划 >论城市规划国际学习的基本逻辑与核心目标




在新的历史时期,城市规划国际学习呈现出大众化、常态化、多元化的特点.与此同时,在学习的指导思想与方法上存在着若干误区.本文从城市规划的学科及职业特点出发,对照西方及中国的近现代城市化及城市规划的发展历程,指出城市规划国际学习的必要性,并把国际学习分为表层内容和深层内容两个方面,不同层面的内容需要应用不同的方法.在此基础上,提出现阶段城市规划国际学习的四个核心目标.%In the new period, there are some new trends of international study in urban planning, such as popularization, normalization and diversification.Meanwhile, there are also some misunderstandings in guiding ideology and method. This paper tries to illustrate the necessities of international study in urban planning through analyzing the characteristic of urban planning in discipline and profession domains as well as the development process of modern urbanization and planning in China and Western world. Also from that speculation, the international study of urban planning could be classified into two categories: superficial level as well as deep level, which need different methods in the study of each part. At last, it raised four key objectives of international study nowadays.



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