首页> 中文期刊> 《中国中医药信息杂志》 >基于文献挖掘的相恶药对生姜与黄芩临床应用特点研究




Objective To explore the rules of the compatible application of antagonistic combination Ginger and Radix Scutellariae in clinical.Methods The prescriptions included the compatibility application of Ginger and Radix Scutellariae were systematically retrieved in literature. Using Excellas a storage and analysis tool, the information about treatments, dosage, compatibility proportion, and dosage form were analyzed with the method of bibliometrics.Results The prescriptions included the compatibility application of “Ginger and Radix Scutellariae” were mainly used for the treatment of internal diseases (746 cases, 76%), followed by gynecological diseases (62 cases, 6%), ear-nose-throat diseases (43 cases, 4%), etc. The largest number of internal diseases was spleen-stomach diseases, which accounted for 26% (193 cases) of the total internal diseases. And the others were diseases of liver-gallbladder 189 cases (25%), and diseases of lung (185 cases, 25%). In the prescriptions, the dosages of Radix Scutellariae were primarily 10, 12, 9, 15 g, 69% (532/772) of which were in the dose range provided by Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The dosages of Ginger were mainly 10 g and 6 g, 84% (356/424) of which were in the dose range provided by Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The compatibility proportion of Ginger and Radix Scutellariae was mostly 1∶1, which accounted for 32%.Conclusion The antagonistic combination Ginger and Radix Scutellariae was widely used in a variety of interior, exterior, gynaecology, paediatrics and other syndromes. The two drugs were contrary in the property (one cold and the other hot) and the function (one warming lung and the other clearing away the lung-heat), but their compatibility application can achieve a satisfactory efficacy.%目的:探讨相恶药对生姜与黄芩临床配伍应用规律。方法系统检索生姜与黄芩配伍文献,以Excel数据分析平台为数据贮存和分析工具,采用文献计量学方法对生姜与黄芩配伍治疗的疾病、用药剂量、配伍比例、剂型等进行整理和分析。结果生姜与黄芩配伍处方主要用于治疗内科疾病(746例,占76%)、妇科疾病(62例,占6%)、耳鼻喉科疾病(43例,占4%)等;中医内科疾病中脾胃系病证数量最多(193例,占26%),其次为肝胆病证(189例,占25%)、肺系病证(185例,占25%)。黄芩用量以10、12、9、15 g居多,69%(532/772)处方中的黄芩剂量在《中华人民共和国药典》规定剂量范围内;生姜用量以10、6 g居多,84%(356/424)处方中的生姜剂量在《中华人民共和国药典》规定剂量范围内。生姜与黄芩多以1∶1比例配伍(32%)。结论相恶药对生姜与黄芩配伍处方临床广泛应用于内、外、妇、儿等多类病证,二者一寒一热,温肺与清肺相宜,共奏相制相成之效。



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