首页> 中文期刊>中华劳动卫生职业病杂志 >唾液生化指标对跳伞训练应激水平的评估



目的 采用唾液生化指标对跳伞训练应激水平进行评估,研究跳伞训练伞兵应激水平的 变化特点.方法 参加跳伞训练的新兵20名,1个月内共完成8次跳伞,其中第1次、第4次和第7次跳伞当天登机前2h(驻地)、登机前1h(机场)、着陆后0.5 h(着陆场)采集唾液标本,检测唾液中皮质醇、嗜铬粒蛋白A浓度以及α-淀粉酶活力.结果 3次跳伞过程,从登机前至着陆后,唾液皮质醇、嗜铬粒蛋白A浓度以及α-淀粉酶活力均明显升高;随着跳伞次数的增多,登机前2h和着陆后0.5 h唾液皮质醇、嗜铬粒蛋白A浓度以及α-淀粉酶活力明显降低,登机前1h不同跳伞次数之间3种生化指标变化均不明显.结论 新兵跳伞训练从登机前至着陆后,应激水平明显升高;随着跳伞次数的增多,新兵在驻地以及跳伞着陆过程中应激水平明显降低,但在机场登机前应激水平没有明显变化.%Objective To evaluate the stress level during parachuting training by salivary biomarker and to study the dynamic characteristics.Methods Twenty recruits of military parachuting training completed 8 trainings in a month.The saliva samples were collected at 2h and 1h before boarding and at 0.5 h after landing on the 1st,4th and 7th trainings.The levels of cortisol,chromogranin A and α-amylase in saliva samples were detected.Results The concentrations of cortisol,chromogranin A and activity of α-amylase increased significandy from pre-boarding to landing during 3 trainings.The concentrations of cortisol,chromogranin A and activity of α-amylase at 2 h before boarding and at 0.5 h after landing decreased significantly with the training times.However,the changes of 3 biomarkers at 1h before boarding among 3 trainings were not significant.Conclusion The levels of stress increased significandy for 20 recruits from pre-boarding to landing during parachuting trainings.The stress levels of 20 recruits before boarding and after landing significantly decreased with parachuting training times.



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