首页> 中文期刊> 《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》 >巨细胞病毒、柯萨奇病毒及EB病毒混合感染性肝炎临床特征




Objective To study the clinical features of hepatitis which caused by mixed infection of human coxsackie virus, cytomegalovirus and EB virus. Methods Uirus IgG and IgM in patients hepatitis caused by mixed infection of human coxsackie virus, cytomegalovirus and EB virus were checked. Results There were twenty patients infected by two viruses, and ten patients infected all of three viruses. 60% patients had a fever over two weeks, the serum total bili-rubin which over 171 μmol/L was found in 53% patients; aspartate aminotransferase over 400 U/L was found in 73% patients and alanine aminotransferase over 400 U/L was 53% . 33% patients appearred with complications. Conclusion Fever, jaundice and the emergence of high complications mainly because of the mixed infection of human coxsackie virus and cytomegalovirus.%目的 观察巨细胞病毒(CMV)、柯萨奇病毒(COXV)及EB病毒(EBV)混合感染引起肝炎的临床特征.方法 通过检测CMV、COXV及EBV的IgM及IgG进行病例确诊.结果 2种病毒混合感染者20例,3种病毒混合感染者10例.发烧在2周以上者占60% (18/30),最长的病例达56 d,最高体温39.8 ℃;血清总胆红素>171 μmol/L者占53% (16/30),最高达532μmol/L; ALT> 400 U/L者占73%(22/30),最高达3 258 U/L;AST >400 U/L者占53% (16/30),出现合并症者占33% (10/30),急性重型肝炎3例,通过血浆置换和内科综合治疗均治愈;骨髓移植1例;因急性造血功能衰竭死亡1例.结论 发烧、高黄疸和出现合并症主要以、CMV与COXV、CMV与COXV及EBV混合感染为主.



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