首页> 中文期刊>电子器件 >基于射频传输的多媒体教学辅助装置研究设计




采用射频无线数据传输技术、USB接口技术、加速度传感技术以及PCM编码压缩技术,研究并设计了由手持端和接收端两部分构成的多媒体教学辅助装置.手持端具有无线话筒和鼠标左、右键功能,并利用教师手势和摇杆来实现操作屏幕光标的移动,采集到的声音数据和操作指令通过射频无线传送给接收端;接收端通过USB接口将数据和指令上传到PC机,驱动课堂多媒体设备来实现声音播放、课件演示以及教学软件操作,从而实现教师在课堂范围内远距离操作多媒体设备进行教学的功能.%This design uses RF wireless data transmission technology,USB interface technology,acceleration sensor technology as well as the PCM coding compression technology to study and design a multimedia teaching assistant device constituted by handheld end and the receiving end.The handheld terminal has the function of wireless microphone and mouse's left,right button,and can use teachers' gestures and joystick to operate the screen cursor moves,the voice data and operating commands collected by handheld terminal are transmitted to the receiving end via RF wireless.The data and commands are uploaded to the PC machine through the USB interface by receiving end,which drives class multimedia equipment to achieve the sound playback,courseware demonstration and operation of instruction software,that makes teachers achieve the long-distance operation of multimedia equipment for teaching in the range of classroom.



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