首页> 中文期刊>中国生态农业学报 >施用沼肥对茄子田节肢动物群落结构与茄子产量的影响




Three fertilizer application treatments (chemical fertilizer, half chemical fertilizer and biogas manure, and biogas plus cake manure) were adopted under equal N, P (P2O5) and K (K2O) rates to study the effects of biogas manure on yield of eggplant and structure of arthropod community in eggplant fields.The results showed that the number of pest species under combined application of biogas and cake manure was 3.67±0.88 in 4 m2 in eggplant field, significantly less than that under application of chemical fertilizer or half chemical fertilizer and biogas manure.Pest species number under application of half chemical fertilizer and biogas manure was also significantly less than that under chemical fertilizer application.The individual number of pests and target pests Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata (Fabricius) under combined application of biogas and cake manure was 64.67±4.06, 31.67±0.56 and 8.00±0.15 in 4 m2, respectively.This was significantly less than that under chemical fertilizer application,but not significantly different from that under half chemical fertilizer and biogas manure application.The individual number of spiders and dominant nature enemy Aranea ventricocus (Koch) under combined application of biogas and cake manure was 12.67±1.76 and 7.67±0.67 in 4 m2, respectively, significantly greater than that under chemical fertilizer application, but not significantly different from that under half chemical fertilizer and biogas manure application.Under combined application of biogas and cake manure, arthropod community diversity index was 1.68±0.04 and evenness index was 0.53±0.003.This was significantly higher than those under applications of chemical fertilizer, and half chemical and biogas manure.The dominant concentration of arthropod community under combined application of biogas and cake manure was 0.33±0.02, also significantly less than that under chemical fertilizer application, but not significantly different form that under half chemical fertilizer and biogas manure application.In terms of arthropod community stability, Ss/Si index was 0.112 5±0.001 1 under combined application of biogas and cake manure, significantly higher than that under chemical fertilizer application, but not significantly different from that under half chemical fertilizer and biogas manure application.Sn/Sp index under combined application of biogas and cake manure was 1.650 0±0.005 5, which significantly exceeded that under applications of chemical fertilizer, and half chemical fertilizer and biogas manure.Eggplant yield under the three fertilizer application treatments was not significantly different.%在等氮、等磷、等钾施肥条件下,对茄子田分别施用化肥、沼肥加化肥减半、沼肥加饼肥,研究施用沼肥对茄田节肢动物群落结构及茄子产量的影响.结果表明:在节肢动物种类与数量上,沼肥加饼肥处理茄子田的害虫种类为3.67±0.88种·4m-2,显著低于化肥处理和沼肥加化肥减半处理,且沼肥加化肥减半处理显著低于化肥处理;害虫个体数量为64.67±4.06头·4m-2,目标害虫桃蚜的数量为31.67±0.56头·4m-2、二十八星瓢虫个体数量为8.00±0.15头·4m-2,显著低于化肥处理,且与沼肥加化肥减半处理差异不显著;蜘蛛类的个体数量为12.67±1.76头·4m-2,优势种天敌大腹园蛛的个体数量为7.67±0.67头·4m-2,显著高于化肥处理,且与沼肥加化肥减半处理差异不显著.在节肢动物群落多样性上,沼肥加饼肥处理茄子田的节肢动物群落多样性指数为1.68±0.04,均匀度指数为0.53±0.003.显著高于化肥处理和沼肥加化肥减半处理;优势集中性指数为0.33±0.02,显著低于化肥处理,且与沼肥加化肥减半处理差异不显著.在节肢动物群落稳定性上,沼肥加饼肥处理Ss/Si指数为0.112 5±0.001 1,显著高于化肥处理,且与沼肥加化肥减半处理差异不显著;Sn/Sp指数为1.6500±0.005 5,显著高于化肥处理和沼肥加化肥减半处理.沼肥加化肥减半、沼肥加饼肥处理的茄子产量与化肥处理相比无显著差异.



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