首页> 中文期刊> 《中华临床感染病杂志》 >微囊化肝细胞移植促进急性肝衰竭大鼠肝细胞再生的研究



目的 分析微囊化肝细胞移植对急性肝衰竭大鼠肝细胞再生的影响.方法 通过腹腔注射d-氨基半乳糖(d-gal)建立急性肝衰竭大鼠模型,18 h后将造模动物随机分成生理盐水组(Ⅰ)、裸肝细胞移植组(Ⅱ)和微囊化肝细胞移植组(Ⅲ).造模后6、12、24、36、48、72、120、168及240 h时,从各组随机抽取6只大鼠,留下腔静脉血观察肝功能变化,取肝组织用免疫组织化学法检测增殖细胞核抗原(pcna)的表达.另取6只正常大鼠的肝组织作为参考值.结果 Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组大鼠10 d生存率分别是26.7%(4/15)、40.0%(6/15)和73.3%(11/15),3组间大鼠生存率差异有统计学意义(x2=9.349,p=0.009).Ⅲ组大鼠生存率较Ⅰ、Ⅱ组有明显提高.造模后6 h,各组大鼠的alt、ast均有所升高,以36~72 h最为明显.Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的alt、ast自36 h开始下降,Ⅲ组的下降较Ⅱ组显著.Ⅰ组造模后tbil逐渐升高,72 h时达最高峰;Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的tbil在48 h时开始下降,其中,在36、48和72 h时Ⅲ组下降较Ⅱ组更为显著.免疫组织化学结果表明,正常组pcna蛋白呈弱阳性或阴性表达,造模后表达量逐渐增多,48 h时达最高峰.其中,Ⅲ组的表达量显著高于Ⅰ、Ⅱ组.结论 微囊化肝细胞移植促进了肝细胞的再生,并可改善急性肝衰竭大鼠的肝功能和预后.; abstract:; objective to investigate liver regeneration after transplantation of microencapsulated hepatocytes in rats with acute liver failure (alf). methods alf rat model was established by intraperitoneal injection of d-galactosamine (d-galn). after 18 h, rats were randomized into control group ( Ⅰ ), free hepatoeyte transplantation group ( Ⅱ ) and the microencapsulated hepatecyte transplantation group (Ⅲ). six rats for each group were randomly selected and sacrificed at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 120, 168 and 240 h after alf induced and blood samples from inferior vena cava were collected. liver functions were tested in blood samples, and the expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (pcna) was detected by immunohistochemistry. results ten-day survival rates of 3 groups were 26.7% (4/15), 40.0% (6/15) and 73. 3% (11/15), respectively (x2 = 9. 349,p = 0.009). survival rate of group Ⅲ was significantly higher than that of group Ⅰ and Ⅱ. levels of alt and ast in each group increased significantly at 6 h after alf induced, and peaked between 48 ~ 72 h. levels of alt and ast in group Ⅱ and Ⅲ declined from 36 h, which was more significant in group Ⅲ. tbil levels in group Ⅰ gradually increased after alf induced and peaked at 72 h. tbil in group Ⅱ and Ⅲ declined from 48 h, which was more markedly in group Ⅲ. in normal rats, the expression of pcna protein was almost negative, but it was strongly expressed in alf rats and peaked at 48 h. the number of positive cells in group Ⅲ was higher than that in group Ⅰ and Ⅱ, and the differences were of statistical signifieance. conclusion the transplantation of microencapsulated hepatocytes can promote the regeneration of liver, and it can improve the liver function and prognosis in rats with alf.



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