首页> 中文期刊>中国中医基础医学杂志 >《灵枢》“十二邪”思想探微




《灵枢》蕴含了古人丰富的医学思想,亦属首部对古代针灸理论集中探讨的论著.透过《灵枢·口问》,从对经文本义的阐释出发,探讨其中所体现的古代人体之生命健康与疾病观、针灸疗法之运用以及有关“气”的论述与内涵等三方面内容,挖掘其中隐藏的深层思想与观念,明确古人注重通过对人体现象的观测以预防疾病,并广泛运用针刺疗法进行调养,在探讨医理过程中巧妙运用“气”的丰富内涵与灵活的表现力等特点,基于此进一步引申对现代医学实践的启示.%Lingshu included abundant ancient medical thoughts.It was also the first collection to the acupuncture theories in ancient time.Through the Lingshu:Kouwen,we conducted the research from the analysis of its contexts.The understanding of health and disease of ancient people,using of acupuncture practically and the thoughts and connotation of Qi were discussed.Deeper thoughts and ideology have been manifested.Several characteristics of ancient acupuncture thoughts were clarified.Namely,the emphasis on the prevention of diseases by observation to human bodies,keeping healthy by widely used acupuncture,and ingenious and flexible application to the concept Qi in discussion,etc.Additionally,the enlightenment to modern medical practice was explored as well.



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