首页> 中文期刊> 《中国动物传染病学报》 >北京动物园羊驼感染疥螨病例诊治情况初报




A new alpaca was introduced into Beijing zoo in September 2014, followed by the occurrence of scabies in the alpaca herd and even deaths of several alpacas. On the basis of history and clinical signs, the remaining alpacas were treated and all were cured. Scabies is a highly contagious and pathogenic parasitic disease. Isolation and prevention are effective measures for control of scabies mites. Alpacas possess special physiological characteristics so that the regimen of scabies for other animals is not simply repeated. The following region was developed for treating the diseased alpacas for a period of one month:application of inunction beta-cypermethrin oil in the affected area at a dose of 20-30 mL twice a week and subcutaneous injection with 0.6 mg/kg of eprinomectin twice a week.The treatment scheme provided a reference for the future prevention of alpaca sarcoptidosis.%北京动物园因引进羊驼携带疥螨,并造成了数只羊驼患疥螨病死亡。在对该病例进行分析和确诊的基础上,对该群羊驼进行了防治,成功治愈了剩余的羊驼。本病例提示我们,疥螨是一种传染性、致病性很强的寄生虫病,在引进羊驼时需要采取有效的隔离和防治措施,严防疥螨引入;羊驼有特殊的生理特点,使用药物防治羊驼疥螨病时,不能照搬其他动物疥螨病的用药方案。本病例的治疗方案:给羊驼的患部涂搽高效氯氰菊酯油剂,每次涂搽20~30 mL,每周涂搽2次;同时给羊驼皮下注射0.6 mg/kg的乙酰氨基阿维菌素注射剂,每周给药2次;连续给药1个月左右。以上方案有效治愈了羊驼的疥螨病,为今后我国羊驼疥螨病防治提供了参考。



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