首页> 中文期刊>中国医院 >我国医疗器械无过错损害补偿机制探讨




随着经济和科学技术的发展,医疗器械被越来越多地运用到医疗领域中,不仅减轻了患者的痛苦,也提高了人们的生活水平和健康水平.但由于医学的局限性,经批准、检测合格的医疗器械本身存在的安全风险仍可能导致患者损害.此种情况下,应由谁来承担对患者的补偿责任,目前国内法律并没有明确规定,因此引发的医疗纠纷也越来越多.通过对医疗机构、医疗器械生产厂家、患者、法官进行问卷调查,了解不同主体对建立医疗器械无过错损害补偿机制的态度和看法.在此基础上,为相关部门提供政策建议,建立医疗器械无过错损害补偿机制,保障患者安全,推动国内医疗卫生事业的发展.%With the development of economy and science and technology, medical devices are being used more and more in the medical field, not only alleviate the pain of patients, but also improve people's living standards and health. However, due to the limitations of the medical, approved by the detection of qualified medical equipment itself, the security risks may still lead to damage to patients. In this case, who should bear the responsibility for compensation to patients, China's current law is not clearly defined and resulted more and more medical disputes. Through the questionnaire survey of medical institutions, medical equipment manufacturers, patients and judges, we can know about the attitudes and opinions of different subjects on the establishment of medical equipment without fault damage compensation mechanism. On this basis, we provide policy recommendations for the relevant departments to establish medical equipment without Fault damage compensation mechanism to protect the safety of patients to promote the healthcare development in China.



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