首页> 中文期刊> 《中国体育科技》 >运动生物力学多参数同步测试系统的研究与开发




Synchronizing various tests has become an important research field in sport biome-chanics and is of great significance to the development of sport biomechanics. However, as dif-ferent apparatus were produced by different company, thus synchronizing method shouldn't be uniform and difficult to deal with. According to sport biomechanics research practice, a syn-chronic system has been developed which can synchronize apparatus of camera, sEMG signal sampling instrument, plantar pressure device, forced plate and laser speed measuring device. The comparative delay time between different test apparatus was firstly considered in this sys-tern and this system has the advantage of high synchronizing precision, far transmission dis-tance,well stability, thus has well application value. Besides, this system may provide some suggestions to synchronizing of other apparatus.%对众多的运动生物力学检测手段实现同步的统一处理,已经成为运动生物力学研究方法的一个重要方面,对提高运动生物力学科学研究能力和水平,促进运动生物力学学科发展具有举足轻重的意义.但由于测试仪器的生产厂商不同,造成信号规格和同步方式不统一,给这些仪器测得数据的同步造成困难.结合运动生物力学科研的实践,在应用现有运动生物力学测试仪器基础上开发出一套集视频、表面肌电、足底压力、三维测力台、激光测速于一体的同步测试系统.该系统首次将各仪器的相对延迟时间考虑到同步处理中,具有同步精度高,系统硬件传输距离远、稳定、可靠,系统软件界面友好、数据显示直现等特点,具有较好的应用与推广价值.此外,对其他测试仪器数据的同步处理也可提供一些思路.



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