首页> 中文期刊> 《中国现代教育装备》 >农业类高校中药鉴定学实验教学内容的改革与研究




The experimental teaching philosophy, the reform of teaching content and assessment methods were carried out, for fewer hours, heavy task status of Authentication of Chinese Medicine experiments in agricultural Universities, and a teaching philosophy of“student-centered, capacity-building as the core, focusing on knowledge transfer, capacity building, and improving the quality of all-round development” and teaching model of “equal emphasis on personal basic skills training and group training” were formed. We initially set up“Authentication of Chinese Medicine identiifcation experiment teaching content and assessment system”, which was suitable for Nanjing Agricultural University, and could provide a reference system for the Authentication of Chinese Medicine experiment teaching in agricultural class universities.%针对农业高校的中药鉴定学实验课时少、任务重的现状,开展了实验教学理念、教学内容改革与考核方式的探索,形成了“以学生为本,以能力培养为核心,注重知识传授、能力提升、素质提高、全面发展”的教学理念和“个人基本技能训练与小组综合训练并重”的教学模式,初步建立起适宜于我校的中药鉴定学实验课程的教学内容与考核体系,为农业类高校中药学专业的中药鉴定学实验课程教学提供参考。



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