首页> 中文期刊>中国矿业 >基于北斗卫星技术的野外地质工作管理与服务模式:青海玉树州地质灾害详查示范应用




It has been a key research task to strength the management of and enhances the service of field geological work in the modern. The project of key technology research and application on the field geological work management and service based on the 3S technology, which is based on the Beidou Navigation Satellite System, established modern field geological work management and service mode, and realized dynamic Management of the field work. This paper mainly described the management and service mode of field geological work based on the Beidou Navigation Satellite System,and applied on the project of detailed geological disaster survey in Yushu, Qinghai. It is concluded that the modern management and service mode of field geological work would replace the traditional field work mode, provided more efficient management and service,and would became a fundamental change of field geological work mode.%加强野外地质工作管理,提高野外地质工作保障服务水平,已成为新时代地质管理服务工作中的一个重大研究课题.基于3S技术的野外地质工作管理与服务关键技术研究与应用项目,利用国产北斗卫星系统定位通讯功能,构建现代化野外地质工作管理与服务体系,实现野外工作“态势管理”.本文重点阐述基于北斗卫星通讯定位技术建立野外地质工作管理与服务模式,通过在青海玉树州地质灾害详查项目示范应用,得出这种现代化的野外地质工作管理与服务模式将会取代传统野外工作模式,为野外地质工作提供更高效的管理和服务保障,成为是野外地质工作模式的一次根本性变革.



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