首页> 中文期刊> 《中国矿业》 >全球铀矿开发现状及投资建议




本文介绍了世界铀矿资源分布的总体情况、现今世界铀矿的产出水平、主要生产国家和生产企业的产能情况、世界级大型铀矿项目及其开发情况,并按地域着重介绍了铀矿产量世界前十的铀矿山,包括资源量总量、地质简况、铀矿开发情况.基于当前世界铀矿开发形势,以及我国自身特点,建议我国企业在投资境外铀矿活动中,应从铀资源量、产量、消费情况、矿业投资环境等角度进行综合分析,寻求与铀资源大国和主要生产国的合作,互帮互助,实现共赢;加强与大型铀矿公司的合作,谋取主要铀成矿聚集区的铀矿探矿权;借鉴国外企业的成功经验,学习先进的运营体系;掌握最新的开发技术,扩大铀矿资源的开发利用范围.%This paper introduces the general situation of uranium resources around the world;the global output level;the production capacity of the major uranium producing countries and the enterprises;including the amount of uranium resources, geological outlines, and information about uranium exploitation of the top-10 world large uranium mines.Based on the current world uranium development situation and the characteristic of China, the authors suggest that Chinese enterprises should make a comprehensive analysis from the uranium resources, production, consumption and the mining investment environment.To seek a cooperation with the uranium resources powers and the major uranium producing countries, helping each other, realizing the win-win situation;to strengthen the cooperation with large uranium deposits, to obtain the exploration right of the main uranium mineralization zones;to draw on the successful experience of foreign enterprises, learning advanced operating system;to master the latest development technology, expanding the scope of development and utilization of uranium resources.



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