首页> 中文期刊>中国医药导报 >处方点评在我院2012年度门急诊处方中的应用研究




Objective To investigate the application experience and effect of prescription comment in outpatient and emergency department, in order to promot rational drug use and standard prescription. Methods Prescriptions in outpatient and emergency department of Shenzhen Shajing hospital affiliated to Guangzhou medical college before and after implement of prescription comment were selected randomly, 1000 pieces respectively. These prescriptions were inspected, classified, commented and statistically analyzed, according to the methods and requirements of Prescription Management and Hospital Prescription Comment Management Instrumentation (Trial) introduced by the Ministry of Health. Results The qualified prescription rate was 95.3% after implement of comment, compared with that of 81.2% before implement of comment, had been significantly improved with statistic difference (P < 0.01). The percent of prescription without standard writing was 11.7% before implement of comment, but reduced to 2.5% after implement of comment with statistic difference (P < 0.01). The percent of irrational drug use after implement of comment (2.2%) was lower than that before implement of comment (8.1%), the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.01). Conclusion In outpatient and emergency department, implement of prescription comment can effectively improve the qualified prescription rate, standard the prescription writing and promote rational use of medicine.%目的 探讨处方点评在门急诊处方中的应用经验和效果,以倡导合理用药,规范临床处方.方法 随机抽取广州医学院附属深圳沙井医院(以下简称"我院")未实施处方点评之前的门急诊处方共1000张,并随机抽取实施处方点评后的我院2012年门急诊处方1000张,按照国家卫生部出台的《处方管理办法》和《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》等关于处方点评规定的方法 和要求,对抽取的门急诊处方进行审查、分类,并进行点评和统计分析.结果 经处方审查、统计发现,进行处方点评后的处方合格率为95.3%,较处方点评前的处方合格率(81.2%)明显提高,差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01).处方点评前的处方书写不规范率为11.7%,处方点评后降低至2.5%,处方点评后处方书写不规范率明显降低,差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01).处方点评后的不合理用药率(2.2%)较处方点评前(8.1%)明显下降,差异有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01).结论 在门急诊处方中实施处方点评可有效提高处方合格率,规范处方书写,促进合理用药.



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