首页> 中文期刊> 《中国卫生标准管理》 >ICU护士离职率较高的原因调查与研究




目的:分析评价ICU护士离职的原因并提出相应的改善对策。方法选择ICU病房的30名护士和以前在ICU病房工作过的护士30名为一组,普通病房的护士64名为另一组,采用不记名问卷调查的方法进行工作满意度调查,为确保护士对工作的真实反映,未采取当场填写方式,于第二天由护理部收集,对调查的满意度状况进行评价。结果两组满意度最低的是工作环境和工作强度,其次是管理决策、职业地位、福利待遇和职称晋级。ICU护士比普通病房护士的满意度更低。结论调查我院护士对工作的满意度,分析可能的影响因素,并提出应对措施,以提高护士的工作积极性和满意度,防止护理人才流失,改善护理人员短缺的局面。%Objective To evaluate the reason of ICU nurses leaving the hospital and put forward the corresponding improvement countermeasures. Methods Selected 30 nurses who work in the ICU now and 30 nurses who work in ICU before as a group,selected 64 nurses in other wards as a group,used anonymous questionnaire survey about job satisfaction. In order to ensure the real reflection of nurses,col ected the questionnaire on the next day, evaluated the satisfaction condition. Results The lowest satisfaction in two groups were the work environment and working intensity,fol owed by management decisions,occupational status,welfare benefits,and job title promotion. The satisfaction in ICU nurses were lower than nurses in common ward. Conclusion By analyzing the nurse job satisfaction and possible influencing factors,and puts forward the countermeasures,we can improve the nurses' working enthusiasm and satisfaction,prevent loss of nursing talents,improve nursing staff shortages.



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