首页> 中文期刊> 《中国有线电视》 >有线电视企业分公司绩效管理与目标考核模式初探




Under the three networks merging background, CATV network enterprise should advance first leap in the level of the performance management, thus it can develop on the road to demutualization. Branches base on fundamental job levels, they play key role on business income and cost control in the enterprise. This arti- cle combines the characteristics of CATV companies, designs performance management framework of branch, makes a detailed analysis and elaboration on index assessments program methods, results application and performance communication link in the process. The research results have realism and guiding values to CATV enterprise practice performance management and target examination under the branch system.%在三网融合的大背景下,广电网络企业应首先实现绩效管理水平的跨越式提升,才能在企业化道路上有所作为,而分公司处于企业的基础作业层次,是经营创收和成本控制的主体部位和关键环节。结合有线电视企业的特点,设计了对分公司进行绩效考核管理的框架,对考核过程中的指标制定、程序方法、结果应用及绩效沟通等环节进行了详细分析和阐述,其研究成果对分公司体制下的广电网络企业实施绩效管理与目标考核具有现实意义和指导价值。



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