首页> 中文期刊>中国继续医学教育 >渐进式教学在泌尿外科研究生教学实践中的应用




目的:探究渐进式教学法应用于在泌尿外科研究生教学实践效果。方法选择2014年2月~2016年2月在我院实习的72名硕士研究生作为研究对象,将其分为两组,每组36名。传统组实施传统带教学习,实验组实施渐进式教学法,比较两组学生学习积极性,实习后病历书写和病例分析、考试成绩以及教学满意度情况。结果实习之前,两组学生的学习积极性无显著差异,实习后,和对照组相比,实验组学生学习积极性显著较好, P<0.05。另外实验组在学习满意度与对病例书写分析方面,考试成绩也好于对照组。结论对于泌尿外科研究生在带教过程中实施渐进式教学法,可全面提升其学习积极性,激发学习欲望,提升实际操作水平。%Objective To explore the progressive teaching method applied in the urology graduate students teaching practice effect. Methods From February 2014 to February 2016 in our hospital, 72 graduate student as the research object, it can be divided into two groups, 36 cases in each group. Traditional study group of the implementation of traditional teaching, the experimental group implement progressive teaching method, comparing two groups of students' learning enthusiasm and practice after the medical record writing and case analysis, the exam achievement and teaching satisfaction. Results Before internship, two groups of students' learning enthusiasm, there was no signiifcant difference after the internship, compared with control group, experimental group students' learning motivation significantly,P<0.05. In addition the experimental group in learning satisfaction and on the analysis of case writing, exam achievement is better than that in control group.Conclusion For urology graduate implement progressive teaching method in the teaching process, to improve their learning enthusiasm and stimulate the learning desires, enhance the level of practical and worthy of further promotion.



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