首页> 中文期刊> 《生物技术通报》 >结缕草转录因子基因ZjDREB4.1克隆和逆境表达模式




A novel DREB (dehydration responsive element binding) transcription factor gene,designated as ZjDREB4.1,was isolated from cultivar ‘Meyer’ of Zoysia japonica.The open reading frame (ORF) of ZjDREB4.1 was 651 bp in length,encoding 216 amino acid residues.The putative protein ZjDREB4.1 was 22.9 kD in molecular weight and with a theoretical isoelectric point (pI) of 5.74.Amino acids from the 50th to the 110th were predicted to build up a conserved AP2 domain.The phylogenetic tree analysis showed that ZjDREB4.1 was grouped with AtTINY of Arabidopsis thaliana and ZmDBF2 of maize,belonging to the A-4 group of DREB subfamily.ZjDREB4.1 was expressed constitutively in leaves.The expression was up-regulated under cold stress,and was first down-regulated then returned to normal level under drought and salt stresses.%以日本结缕草(Zoysia japonica)‘Meyer’品种为材料,克隆获得了1个DREB(dehydration responsive element binding)类转录因子基因,命名为ZjDREB4.1.该基因编码区长651 bp,编码216个氨基酸,推测的蛋白质ZjDREB4.1分子量为22.9 kD,等电点pI为5.74,第50-110位氨基酸组成一个典型的AP2保守结构域.在基因的系统发生树中,ZjDREB4.1蛋白与拟南芥AtTINY蛋白和玉米ZmDBF2蛋白聚为一支,属于DREB亚家族A-4组.在叶组织中ZjDREB4.1为组成型表达,受低温诱导上调表达,在干旱和高盐胁迫下表达先下调后恢复至正常水平.



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