首页> 中文期刊>地域研究与开发 >农业与服务业协同推动的“就地城镇化”模式:甘肃省敦煌市案例




Based on theoretical analysis and field research , the model of population in situ urbanization is con -structed, then the influencing factors of promoting in situ migration , employment pattern and living mode are analyzed in this paper.Population in Dunhuang City of Gansu Province was a typical phenomenon in situ urbanization .Under the premise that people can find the ideal job locally and agricultural production is profitable , they choose in situ mi-gration through comprehensive consideration of living and employment cost , household, agricultural and rural com-plex.The employment patterns of situ migration are agricultural model ,agriculture-industry model and agriculture -service model.Based on different employment patterns ,the following residential models are formed : the separation model, living-together model and seasonal migration modes .On account of local resource advantages ,the floating pop-ulation in Dunhuang show the in situ urbanization pattern of agriculture -services at present.Under the drive of the mode, the young and the old in Dunhuang form a separation -type settlement pattern which mainly characterized by the separation of urban and rural .%通过理论分析与实地调研,构建人口就地城镇化模型,分析推进人口就地迁移的影响因素、就业模式和居住模式。理论模型与甘肃省敦煌市的实证结果都表明:人们在就地能找到理想的工作及农业生产有利可图的前提下,通过居住成本、就业成本、家庭、农业与乡土情结等因素的综合影响选择就地迁移。就地迁移的就业模式有农业模式、农-工业模式、农-服务业模式3种,不同的就业模式形成合居式、分居式和季节性迁移3种居住模式。通过深度访谈及问卷调研发现,敦煌人口基于地方农-服务业的资源优势就地流动,呈就地城镇化模式。青年人和老年人在该模式影响下形成了以城乡分离为主的分居式居住模式。



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