首页> 中文期刊>行政论坛 >发达国家自然垄断行业的政府管制改革及启示




The regulation reform of natural monopoly industries in developed countries is to promote competition by cultivating competitive market structure, opening competitive business through longitudinal separation, exert incentive regulation through relaxing price regulation, and to provide assurance for competition by the reform of property rights, construct legal system by legislation, and improve the supervision system to guarantee competition through regulatory agency reform.In the experience of developed countries, the regulation reform of natural monopoly industries in China must be combined with its own situation.At this stage, it is important to open competitive business, deepen the reform of property rights and regulatory agency, and perfect legal system.%发达国家自然垄断行业的政府管制改革主要是通过消解进入壁垒,培育竞争性市场结构;行业纵向分离,剥离开放竞争性业务;放松价格管制,实施激励性管制方式等促进竞争.通过推进产权改革,建立适应竞争的产权模式;着重立法先行,构建保障竞争的法律体系;改革管制机构,健全管制权力的监督体系等保障竞争.对我国自然垄断行业政府管制改革的启示是:强化竞争性业务的开放,推进产权改革和价格管制改革,完善法律体系和健全管制机构.



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