首页> 中文期刊>中州学刊 >也谈《清华简·周公之琴舞》与“孔子删诗”问题--兼与谢炳军博士商榷




谢炳军以“王官删诗”否认“孔子删诗”,以清华简《周公之琴舞》不是《诗》之“逸诗”为由否认《周公之琴舞》可作“孔子删诗”说的证据,这两个否认理由都不充分。王官删诗与孔子删诗时代不同,编辑思想不同,各有其政治、历史、文献背景,各有其用,二者并不矛盾。对出土文献中“逸诗”或《诗》本的发掘是解决孔子删诗是否将《诗》由“三千”删至“三百”的有效途径。《清华简·周公之琴舞》被认为是《诗》之“逸诗”是有道理的,它具备为孔子删取的可能性。%Xie Bingjun thinks that the poems of the Book of Songs were deleted by royal officials, not by Confucius, also Tsinghua Bamboo slips Zhou Gong Zhi Qin Wu isn′t the evidence of Confucius′ deleting poems, because It isn′t the lost poem of the Book of Songs.These are unreasonable. The times of Confucius′deleting poems is different from Poems deleted by royal official. The two state⁃ments have respective background, include political, historical and literature conditions. The two statements are not mutual contradic⁃tionary. Solving the problem depends on more and more the lost poems of the Book of Songs excavated from underground. That "Zhou Gong Zhi Qin Wu" is thought as the lost poem of the Book of Songs is reasonable. It might be deleted by Confucius.



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