首页> 中文期刊> 《学术交流》 >弃私入公:我国公立大学组织形态的变革之道




在大学法人化发展的当下,公法人是世界多数国家公立大学组织形态的定位与选择。我国现行法将公立大学定性为事业单位法人,从而将其纳入私法范畴,并由私法加以规范和调整,由此形成了我国公立大学的私法人定位。但是,我国公立大学事业单位法人之定位不仅与我国公立大学多依公法命令设立的依据不符,又无法呼应公法与私法、公法人与私法人之界分,更无法避免其遁入私法,从而造成影响公立大学教育功能实现之不利后果。因此,借鉴他国公立大学组织形态之公法人模式,完成私法人向公法人的定位转向,无疑是我国公立大学组织形态变革的应然选择。在此基础上,寻求公立大学作为独立人格者及其与政府关系上的更大独立性,以此确保我国公立大学高等教育职能的实现和我国高等教育事业的发展。%Public legal person has become the major organization form in most countries,during the trend of corporation management of university. In current laws,public university is listed in legal person of public in-stitutions,so it should be adjusted and standardized under private law,thus forming its private corporation. However,the positioning of legal entity for public university as institutions neither conform to its establishment of legislative basis,nor can be distinct itself from public or private legal person,so public university fails to be restricted by private law,thus affecting their education function. Therefore,the paper draws the mode of pub-lic legal entity from university of other countries and expects the changes of positioning private to public legal entity,which is bound to become the necessity of organization form reform among our public universities. And based on the changes,public universities should chase more independency from government as an independent entity,so as to ensure the realization of functions and development of our higher education.



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