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The relationship between parenting attitudes and social competence in preschool children with and without disabilities.


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Research has consistently shown that children with disabilities experience substantial difficulties in their social interactions with peers and caregivers. For typically developing children, factors within the family have been shown to influence social competence, however, the pathway from parenting to social competence is less certain for children with disabilities. The purpose of the present study was to examine differences in the parenting attitudes of parents of children with and without disabilities and to examine how these attitudes relate to children's social competence. Parents of 64 typically developing (35 girls and 29 boys) and 27 special needs children (9 girls and 18 boys) completed the Parent As A Teacher Inventory ( PAAT) while preschool teachers completed a social competence rating scale and the ABILITIES Index. Results indicated that parenting attitudes on the PAAT were predicted only by child ethnicity and parent education level, with more educated, white respondents reporting more positive parenting attitudes. Parenting attitudes for all parents, however, fell in the favorable range. There were no significant differences in the attitudes of parents of children with and without disabilities. Among children with disabilities, parenting attitudes did not significantly correlate with severity of disability, as measured by the ABILITIES Index. Only child's age and developmental status (typically developing and special needs) significantly predicted teacher ratings of social competence. These findings contribute to our understanding of social competence and its role in the development and adaptation of all children, especially children with disabilities. Implications for the development of social skills intervention programs and suggestions for future research are discussed.
机译:研究一直表明,残疾儿童在与同龄人和看护人的社交互动中遇到很大的困难。对于典型的发育中的孩子,家庭中的因素已显示出影响社会能力的能力,但是,对于残疾儿童来说,从育儿到社会能力的途径并不确定。本研究的目的是检验残疾儿童和非残疾儿童父母的父母养育态度的差异,并研究这些态度与儿童的社会能力之间的关系。 64名典型的发育中的父母(35名女孩和29名男孩)和27名特殊需要的孩子(9名女孩和18名男孩)的父母在学龄前完成了父母作为教师的清单 PAAT )。教师完成了一项社会能力等级量表和 ABILITIES Index 。结果表明, PAAT 的养育态度只能通过儿童种族和父母的教育程度来预测,受过教育的白人受访者报告的养育态度更积极。但是,所有父母的养育态度都处于有利范围。残疾儿童和非残疾儿童的父母的态度没有显着差异。根据 ABILITIES Index 的测量,在残疾儿童中,父母的养育态度与残疾的严重程度没有显着相关。只有孩子的年龄和发展状况(通常是发育和特殊需要)才能显着预测教师的社会能力等级。这些发现有助于我们理解社会能力及其在所有儿童,特别是残疾儿童的发展和适应中的作用。讨论了发展社交技能干预计划的意义以及对未来研究的建议。



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