首页> 中文学位 >跨文化敏感度发展模式(DMIS)在语言文化教学中的应用








Chapter 1 Culture and Foreign Language Teaching

1.1 The Definition, Characteristics and Classification of Culture

1.1.1 The Definition of Culture

1.1.2 Classification of Culture

1.1.3 Characteristics of Culture

1.1.4 The Deep Structure of Culture

1.2. Perception, Language and Culture

1.2.1 Perceptions through the Lens of Culture

1.2.2 Language and Culture

1.2.3 Language, Culture and Perception as a Dialectical Triad

1.3 Language Teaching and Culture Teaching

Chapter 2 Development and Present Situation of Culture Teaching

2.1 The Abroad Development of Culture Teaching

2.2 The Domestic Development of Culture Teaching

2.2.1 Linguistic Competence-Based Traditional Language Teaching

2.2.2 The Development of Culture Teaching

2.3 Problems of Culture Teaching

2.4 The Goal and Meaning of Cuiture Teaching

Chapter 3 Intercultural Communication Competence—the Ultimate Goal of Culture Teaching

3.1 Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication

3.1.1 Culture and Communication

3.1.2 Intercultural Communication

3.1.3 Potential Problems in Effective Intercultural Communication

3.2 Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC)

3.2.1 The Relationship between Communication Competence and Linguistic Competence

3.2.2 The Definition of Intercultural Communication Competence

3.2.3 Intercultural Sensitivity (IS) —an Essential Component of ICC

3.2.4 The Connection between IS and ICC

Chapter 4 The Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity

4.1 The Theory Background of DMIS

4.2 Overview of the Stages of DMIS

4.2.1 Stage One: Denial of Difference

4.2.2 Stage Two: Defense against Difference

4.2.3 Stage Three: Minimization of Difference

4.2.4 Stage Four: Acceptance of Difference

4.2.5 Stage Five: Adaptation to Difference

4.2.6 Stage Six: Integration of Difference

4.3 Culture Teaching in Terms of DMIS

4.3.1 Development of Intercultural Sensitivity in the Language Classroom in Terms of DMIS

4.3.2 Developing Intercultural Competence at Each Stage

4.4 Experiment on IS of College English Learner

4.4.1 Methodology

4.4.2 Result and Discussion

4.4.3 Strengths and Weaknesses of the Experiment

Chapter 5 Pedagogical Implications of DMIS

5.1 The Setting for Culture Learning

5.1.1 Naturalistic Setting: Culture Learning in the Field

5.1.2 Structured Setting: Culture Learning in the Classroom

5.1.3 Creating Meaningful Learning Environment (MLE)

5.2 The Role of Teacher in Culture Teaching

5.3 The Content of the Culture Teaching

5.3.1 Verbal Communication

5.3.2 Nonverbal Communication

5.3.3 Social Customs and Etiquette in Communication

5.3.4 Social Structures and Relations

5.3.5 Value Systems

5.4 The Principles of Culture Teaching

5.4.1 Cognitive Principle

5.4.2 Appropriate Principle

5.4.3 Comparative Principle

5.4.4 Tolerant Principle

5.5 Systematic Approach to Culture Teaching

5.5.1 The Syllabus for Culture Teaching

5.5.2 Material Development

5.5.3 Teaching Methods and Techniques

5.5.4 Assessment of Culture Teaching








现代社会通讯技术飞速发展,国内外的交流日趋增加。全球化潮流对我国学校尤其是高校服务于社会的要求更加迫切。精通专业又能顺利进行跨文化交流成为中国新时代人才的要求。如今,跨文化交际能力的重要性已经在国内外受到的广泛的认可,而且作为外语教学的最终目的。因此,学校和教育工作者有必要开展有目的地文化教学以培养学生的跨文化交际能力。 在中国传统的外语教学中,教师注重学生语言知识的掌握,旨在提高学生的语言能力。从而,很多学生能高分通过考试(比如大学英语四、六级考试),却不能在实际的跨文化交流中用外语进行有效的交流。因此,如果我们脱离语言所依存的文化而单纯教语言,那就是在教毫无意义的符号。 本文引入了由Milton J.Bennett博士提出的跨文化敏感度发展模式。基于个人对文化差异的情感、认知与行为的构建以及反应,这个模式分析了跨文化交际能力及敏感度的发展进程。它结合了跨文化交际能力的培养和跨文化敏感度的发展并创造性地将其融入文化教学,并且已经在很多国家以及跨文化研究机构得到验证和广泛使用。 本文将跨文化敏感度理论应用于中国的文化教学的实践。通过试验确定大学生的跨文化能力和敏感度,进而以学习者不同阶段为新的切入点指导文化教学,并针对语言文化教学的大纲制定、课程设计、操作以及评估提出系统的方法和技巧。



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