首页> 中文学位 >中国外语学习者课堂内外英语交际意愿研究






论文说明:List of Tables、List of Figures、List of Abbreviations


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.2 Research Rationales

1.3 Research Objectives

1.4 Significance of the Present Research

1.5 Overall Structure of the dissertation


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Related Studies of L1 WTC

2.1.1 L1 WTC Construct

2.1.2Measurement of L1 WTC

2.1.3 Previous Studies of Factors Influencing L1 WTC

2.2 Related Empirical Studies of L2 WTC

2.2.1 Measurement of L2 WTC

2.2.2 Factors Influencing L2 WTC

2.2.3 L2 WTC and Language Program

2.2.4 Empirical Studies of L2 WTC inside and outside the Classroom

2.2.5 Limitations of Previous Empirical Research on L2 WTC


Chapter Three Theoretical Foundations of L2 WTC for the Present Research

3.1 L2 WTC Construct

3.2 Models of L2 WTC

3.2.1 MacIntyre and Charos' Model of L2 WTC

3.2.2 Heuristic Model of Variables Influencing WTC

3.2.3 L2 Communication Model in the Japanese EFL Context

3.2.4 Variables Moderating the Relation between DC and WTC in the Chinese EFL Classroom

3.2.5 A Preliminary Construct of Situational Willingness to Communicate

3.3 Theoretical Framework of the Present Study

Chapter Four Research Methodology

4.1 Research Design

4.2 Research Context

4.3 Research Questions

4.4 Participants

4.4.1 Participants in the Quantitative Research

4.4.2 Participants in the Qualitative Research

4.5 Research Instruments

4.5.1 L2 WTC inside and outside the Classroom Inventory

4.5.2 Semi-structured Interview Schedule

4.5.3 Focused Essay

4.6 Pilot study

4.7 Data collection

4.8 Data Analysis

4.8.1 Quantitative Analyses

4.8.2 Qualitative Analyses

Chapter Five Results of Quantitative Analysis

5.1 Results of the Background Questionnaire

5.1.1 Motivation to Speak English inside and outside the Classroom

5.1.2 Anxiety to Speak English inside and outside the Classroom

5.1.3 Self-perceived Communicative Competence and Self-perceived English Proficiency

5.1.4 Attitude toward Speaking English inside and outside the Classroom

5.1.5 Language Skill

5.1.6 English Communication Frequency inside and outside the Classroom

5.1.7 Classroom Activities

5.1.8 Average Time per Week Participants Spent on English Learnin outside the Classroom

5.2 General Tendency and Characteristics of L2 WTCO and WTCI

5.2.1 General Trend and Characteristics of L2 WTCO

5.2.2 General Tendency and Characteristics of L2 WTCI

5.3 Difference in Students'L2 WTCO

5.3.1 Gender Differences in Overall WTCO and Each Item

5.3.2 Grade Differences in overall WTCO and Each Item

5.3.3 Differences in Overall WTCO and Each Item by Major

5.3.4 Difference in Overall WTCO by College English Teaching Reform Program

5.4 Difference in Students'L2 WTCI

5.4.1 Gender Differences in Overall WTCI and Each Item

5.4.2 Grade Differences in Overall WTCI and Each Item

5.4.3 Differences in Overall WTCI and Each Item by Major

5.4.4 Difference in Overall WTCI by College English Teaching Reform Program(CETRP)

5.5 Effects of Background Variables on WTCI and WTCO

5.5.1 MANOVA by L2 Communication Anxiety inside and outside the Classroom

5.5.2 MANOVA by Self-perceived Communicative Competence and Self-perceived L2 Proficiency

5.5.3 MANOVA by Attitude toward Speaking English and outside the Classroom

5.5.4 MANOVA by English Speaking Motivation inside the Classroom(SMIC)

5.5.5 MANOVA by L2 Communication Frequency inside and outside the Classroom

Chapter Six Results of Qualitative Analysis

6. 1 Students perceptions of Factors Contributing to WTCI

6.1.1 Analysis of Students Rerceponses ot the Closed and Open Questions

6.1.2 Analysis of the Semi-structured Interview Transcripts and Focused Essay

6.2 Students’Perceptions of Factors Contributing to WTCO

6.2.1 Analysis of Students‘Responses to the Closed and Open Questions

6.2.2 Analysis of the Semi-structured Interview Transcripts and Focused Essay

Chapter Seven General Discussion

7.1 Characteristics of Students’ L2 WTCO and WTCI

7.1.1 Characteristics of Students’L2 WTCO

7.1.2 Characteristics of Students ’L2 WTCI

7.2 Factors Influencing Students ’WTCO and WTCI

7.2.1 Gender

7.2.2 Grade

7.2.3 Major

7.2.4 College English Teaching Reform Program(CETRP)

7.2.5 L2 Communication Anxiety

7.2.6 Self-perceived Communicative Competence and Self-perceived L2 Proficiency(SPLP)

7.2.7 Attitude toward Speaking the L2

7.2.8 L2 Speaking Motivation

7.2.9 L2 Communication Frequency

7.3 A Theoretical Framework of L2 WTC in the China-specific EFL Context

7.3.1 Pyramid Model of Variables Influencing L2 WTCI

7.3.2 Pyramid Model of Variables Influencing L2 WTCO

Chapter Eight Conclusions and Implications

8.1 Summary of Major Findings

8.1.1 The general Trend of Students’WTCO and WTCI

8.1.2 Effects of Background Variables on Students’WTCO and WTCI

8.1.3 Students’Perceptions of Main Factors Influencing Students’WTCO and WTCI

8.2 Implications of the Study

8.2.1 Theoretical Implications

8.2.2 Methodological Implications

8.2.3 Pedagogical Implications

8.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research







本文是关于二语课堂内外交际意愿的实证研究,旨在调查中国英语学习者课堂内外英语交际意愿的现状、特点及影响因素.根据二语交际意愿现有理论及实证研究结果,作者构建了课堂内外二语交际意愿理论框架,提出了心理、情景及特质三大要素直接或间接影响二语课堂内外交际意愿的假设。依据此假设,本研究旨在探讨以下三个问题:第一,课堂内外英语交际意愿现状及特点;第二,背景变量(即性别、年级、专业、大学英语教学改革项目、英语交际动机、交际焦虑、交际能力的自我评价、说英语的态度,英语水平的自我评价及英语交际频率)对大学生课堂内外英语交际意愿的影响;第三,大学生感知到的影响课堂内外英语交际意愿的主要因素。 为了验证上述假设及回答以上研究问题,本研究采用了定量及定性相结合的研究方法.来自山东省三所大学的537名非英语专业大一及大二学生参加了定量研究,他们分别利用分层随机整群抽样的方式选出。作者设计的课堂内外英语交际意愿调查表包括三个部分:(1)背景问卷(2)课外英语交际意愿量表,及(3)课内英语交际意愿量表。定性研究则使用了开放式及封闭式问题、半结构访谈提纲及聚焦写作.537名大学生回答了问题。参加过定量调查的9名学生接受了访谈。另外,通过分层随机整群抽样,某大学98名大二学生完成了聚焦写作。 本研究主要发现总结如下: 首先,研究结果表明,中国非英语专业大学生课堂内外交际意愿处于“可能不愿意”与“可能愿意”之间,且课内交际意愿略高于课外。课外,与陌生人、中国人相比,学生更愿意跟熟人及外国人用英语交谈;与多人相比,他们更喜欢二人交谈。此外,它们最愿意在宿舍或在真正需要使用英语的场合用英语交流。课内,当任务对认知需求较低时,大学生更愿意使用英语。此外,当着全班的面或遇到的任务平时练习较少时,他们不太乐意说英语。当对老师的教学内容产生疑问时,它们最不愿意用英语和老师交流。 其次,定量研究结果表明,除大学英语教学改革项目之外,其余所有背景变量都对大学生课堂内外英语交际意愿产生了显著影响。具体而言,无论是课外还是课内英语交际意愿,女生、大一学生及学习社会科学的学生,都显著高于男生、大二学生及自然科学专业的学生。英语交际焦虑对学生课堂内外交际意愿有负面影响,而英语交际动机、英语交际能力的自我评价、英语水平的自我评价、对英语的态度及英语交际频率对学生课堂内外交际意愿都产生了正面影响。此外,与课外相比,学生课内说英语的动机更高,态度更积极,使用更频繁。本研究还发现,女生比男生课内说英语的动机更强,对英语水平的自我评价更高,对课内及课外说英语的态度更积极,但男生课内实际使用英语的频率却显著高于女生。与大二学生相比,大一学生课内说英语的动机更强,课外说英语的焦虑更低,对英语交际能力及整体水平的自我评价更高,对课内及课外说英语的态度更积极,且课内外使用英语更频繁。与自然科学专业学生相比,社会科学专业的学生对英语交际能力及整体水平的自我评价更高,对课内及课外说英语的态度更积极,且课外花在英语学习上的时间更多,但课外焦虑也更高。就大学英语教学改革项目而言,参加的学生对英语交际能力的自我评价更高,课内使用英语更频繁,且课外花在英语学习上的时间更多,但对课内说英语的态度更消极。 第三,定性结果表明,心理、情景及特质因素对学生课堂内外二语交际意愿产生直接或间接影响。三大因素每一层内的各个变量既可相互作用,也能与其它变量交互作用,一起对二语交际意愿施加影响。具体而言,课内二语交际意愿的影响因素主要有:交际能力的自我评价、二语交际焦虑、交际动机、二语水平的自我评价、态度、话题、教师评价、教学方法、教师对学生回答问题时的反应、课堂媒介语、教师支持、学生的二语水平、性别、年级、专业、班级人数、同伴比较、先前经历、同伴支持、课堂互动、师生关系、课堂安排、课堂活动、任务难度、爱面子、圈内人效应、被动的学习方式、内向和外向的性格。本研究还发现,除情景因素外,影响学生课外二语交际意愿的变量和影响课内交际意愿的基本一致。情景因素由交谈者、话题及二语交际情景构成。具体而言,影响学生课外二语交际意愿的情景因素包括:交谈者的二语水平、性别、年级、专业、交谈者的态度或反应、社会支持、参入会话的人数、交谈者的二语流利程度、先前经历、观念、本族语者、交谈者之间的相对熟悉程度、有趣、刺激的话题、与背景知识及个人经历相关的话题、真情实景、应邀帮忙、对方先说、及模拟真情实景的任务。 总体来看,本研究大部分定性及定量结果都和二语交际意愿的研究结论基本一致,但又有许多不同,体现了我国外语课堂内外交际的特点。根据上述发现,作者尝试建构了两个理论模型,即影响课内二语交际意愿的金字塔模型及影响课外二语交际意愿的金字塔模型。 本研究结论在理论、研究方法及教学实践上对二语习得及二语教学有所贡献。在理论上,根据定性及定量结果,笔者建构了课内及课外英语交际意愿模型,基本揭示了影响中国学生课堂内外英语交际意愿的主要因素及其相互关系,有助于二语交际意愿跨文化理论的建构。在研究方法上,本研究把问卷调查、半结构访谈与聚焦写作等定量及定性方法有机整合并设计了调查中国学生课堂内外二语交际意愿的问卷,在把国外聚焦写作方法率先用于国内二语习得研究及研究工具的本土化方面做出了一定贡献.在教学实践方面,本研究对外语教师了解学生交际意愿现状及主要影响因素,采取有效措施,提高学生课堂内外二语交际意愿及实际交际能力有重要启示.此外,它对外语课程设计、教材编写及大学英语教学改革也有一定的参考价值。 然而由于客观条件局限,被试仅限于某省三所大学非英语专业学生,且数据皆来自自我报告,研究的外部效度受到一定影响,将在后续研究中扩大被试范围、使用诸如实验、观察及刺激回忆等方法来弥补此不足.另外,本研究仅限于口语交际意愿,下一步的研究重点是外语读、写及听方面的交际意愿。



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