首页> 中文学位 >高中英语书面表达中的母语负迁移现象研究







Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

1.1.1 The importance of English writing

1.1.2 The requirements of New Curriculum Criterion and NMET in English writing

1.1.3 The current situation of English writing in senior high school

1.1.4 Language transfer and English writing

1.2 Significance of the study

1.3 Questions to be answered

Chapter 2 Language Transfer

2.1 The definition of language transfer

2.2 The types of language transfer

2.2.1 The manifestation of language transfer

2.2.2 Classification of Transfer on the Basis of Linguistic Structures

2.3 The factors influencing language transfer

Chapter 3 Review of the Language Transfer Studies

3.1 Theoretical background

3.1.1 The behaviorist view

3.1.2 The mentalist view

3.1.3 The cognitive view

3.1.4 The theory of markedness

3.2 Studies of Linguistic transfer

3.3 Negative transfer

3.3.1 Contrastive analysis (CA)

3.3.2 Error analysis

3.3.3 Transfer analysis

3.4 Different approaches on classifications of language transfer

3.4.1 Three categories proposed by Selinker et al

3.4.2 Thompson's Contrastive Analysis

3.4.3 Schachter's structural avoidance

3.5 Empirical studies

Chapter 4 Methodology

4.1 Design

4.2 Subjects

4.3 Procedures and data collection

4.3.1 Writing task

4.3.2 Questionnaire

4.4 Instruments for analysis

Chapter 5 Results and discussion

5.1 A brief view of the errors from the sample compositions

5.2 A detailed analysis of the negative transfer errors

5.2.1 Morphological TEs

5.2.2 Lexieal TEs

5.2.3 Syntactic TEs

5.2.4. Stylistic TEs

5.3 Answers to the questionnaire

5.3.1Answers to Question1

5.3.2Answers to Question2

5.3.3Answers to Question3

5.3.4Answers to Question4

5.3.5Answers to Question5

5.3.6Answers to Question6

5.3.7Answers to Question7

5.3.8Answers to Question8

5.3.9Answers to Question9

5.3.10Answers to Question10

Chapter 6 Major findings and Enlightenments

6.1 Major findings

6.2 Enlightenments of the study

6.2.1 Strengthening the rudimentary knowledge teaching of language

6.2.2 Asking students to read extensively

6.2.3 Trying to use English as much as possible in class to create good English—learning circumstances

6.2.4 Teaching students more about different cultures

6.2.5 Doing more comparisons and contrasts between our native language and English

6.2.6 Recommending reciting and reading aloud to cultivate the language sense while encouraging students to write more

6.3 Limitations of the study






英语写作一直是高中英语教学的一个薄弱环节,历年高考英语书面表达成绩都不尽人意。选词、造句乃至谋篇布局都留下母语干扰的痕迹,存在大量母语负迁移的现象。 本文作者从语言迁移的定义、类型、迁移层面及影响因素入手,回顾了语言迁移各个阶段的理论发展,通过收集教学实践中出现的母语负迁移实例、问卷调查以及师生访谈,试图探明母语负迁移在高中英语书面表达中的主要表现,并通过对比错误分析方法,对这些现象进行深入的分析,提出一些最大程度上减少母语干扰的对策,旨在探索一条提高高中学生英语书面表达水平的切实可行的道路。 语言迁移是一个十分复杂的现象。研究表明,在外语教学中,虽然不能否定母语的积极作用,但是母语负迁移确实一直困扰着学习者,尤其是处于中学阶段的初级学习者。然而,在我国基础教育阶段,许多外语教师对母语迁移现象没有全面的认识,更谈不上进行研究。希望本文能唤起更多的中学外语教师对母语迁移现象的关注,积极参与到此项研究中来。



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