
Reductionism, Holism and System Dynamics


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Being pragmatic about it this paper does not set out to produce any startling conclusions or bring about any paradigm shifts it seeks simply to produce a little clarification on an area of SD and ST that is sometimes taken for granted. As Sterman points out "all models are wrong" and there is no attempt here to preach perfection or the 'right' way to do things, Sterman (2000, p846). Further support comes from Towill "there is an undoubted 'art' side to building a system dynamics model because establishing the 'truth' requires creativity", Towill (1993a, p206).My conclusion is therefore that SD is not an holistic means of systems modelling except that it is partly and the other part of it is reductionist and the two are inseparable. A logical extension of this is that holism and reductionism are themselves inseparable other than as subjective viewpoints.I further conclude that ST is a purer holistic modelling technique than SD and by definition I am differentiating the two.I am also concluding that the fact that SD is not a purely holistic method of systems modelling is not a problem; selling it as if it were is.I hope that I have illustrated in a meaningful and straightforward way the necessity of truly understanding the fundamental nature of SD as a blended continuum of holism and reductionism. Due to the subjective nature of both concepts neither (label) description is likely to be satisfactory on its own to cover the entire scope of options for development within SD.This has been a somewhat abstract look at the debate between holism and reductionism, though with a practical message at its heart, and several other similar topics are available for further work in the same vein. We might for instance think of the mantra that 'reinforcing loops produce exponential behaviour' as worthy of examination as it appears to be incorrect in specific cases and therefore incorrect as a rule. This and several other concepts at the heart of SD would be well worth a re-examination.The message in any further work would be the same - get it right before we sell it or it will get returned as it has been in the past.
机译:对此务实的是,本文并未提出任何令人震惊的结论或带来任何范式转变,而只是试图对有时被视为理所当然的SD和ST领域进行一些澄清。正如斯特曼(Sterman)指出的“所有模式都是错误的”,在这里没有任何传授完美或做事的“正确”方法的尝试,Sterman(2000,p846)。 Towill(1993a,p206)给出了进一步的支持,Towill“在建立系统动力学模型时,毫无疑问的'艺术'方面,因为建立'真相'需要创造力”。因此,我的结论是,SD不是系统的整体手段。建模,除了一部分是还原论,另一部分是还原论,两者是密不可分的。逻辑上的扩展是,整体主义和还原主义本身不是主观观点,而是不可分割的。我进一步得出结论,ST是一种比SD更纯净的整体建模技术,根据定义,我将二者区分开来。不是纯粹的整体系统建模方法不是问题;我希望我以一种有意义而直接的方式说明了真正理解可持续发展作为整体主义和还原主义的连续统一体的基本本质的必要性。由于这两个概念的主观性质,(标签)描述本身都不可能令人满意地涵盖可持续发展中的发展选择的整个范围,尽管整体论与还原论之间的争论有些抽象化它实际上是一条实用的信息,其他几个类似的主题也可以按照相同的方式用于进一步的工作。例如,我们可能会想到“加强循环产生指数行为”的口头禅,因为它在特定情况下似乎是不正确的,因此通常是不正确的,因此值得研究。 SD核心的这个概念和其他几个概念非常值得重新审查。任何进一步工作中传递的信息都是相同的-在我们出售它之前将其正确处理,否则它将像过去一样返回。



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