
Pulsed photoconductivity of chlorophyll a


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Abstract: Pulsed photoconduction study of Al/Chlorophyll $alpha@/Al sandwich cells has been carried out in order to investigate the charge transport in chlorophyll $alpha (CHl $alpha@). The charge carriers are generated close to the electrode by laser pulse (800 ps) of strongly absorbed wavelength 750 nm by Chl $alpha@. The results suggest that the trapping of photogenerated charge carriers is quite significant. The electron transient current is practically absent, and the hole current signal rapidly decreases due to deep trapping. The signal shows a biexponential behavior in time period of approximately 50 $mu@s which could be related to the presence of two trapping species. In millisecond time range, the hole current shows a long tail in addition to the fast component. The analysis of the long tail seems to suggest the addition to the fast component. The analysis of the long tail seems to suggest the dispersive hole transport phenomenon in microcrystalline Chl $alpha@. !
机译:摘要:为了研究叶绿素$ alpha(CHl $ alpha @)中的电荷传输,已经对Al /叶绿素$ alpha @ / Al夹心细胞进行了脉冲光电导研究。电荷载流子通过由Chlαα强烈吸收的波长为750nm的激光脉冲(800ps)在电极附近产生。结果表明,光生载流子的俘获非常重要。实际上没有电子瞬态电流,并且由于深陷阱,空穴电流信号迅速减小。该信号在大约50μs的时间段内显示出双指数行为,这可能与存在两种捕获物质有关。在毫秒时间范围内,空穴电流除快速分量外还显示出长尾巴。对长尾巴的分析似乎暗示了快速成分的增加。对长尾巴的分析似乎暗示了微晶Chl $ alpha @中的分散空穴传输现象。 !



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