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Monitoring Underwater Operations with Virtual Environments


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This paper introduces a new set of software tools that integraternnear-real-time visualization with a publish-and-subscribernmechanism to achieve remote monitoring and control ofrndynamic objects in an underwater scene. The approachrnproposed in this paper involves the integration of existingrntechnologies to produce a powerful and flexible solution easilyrnadapted to the extensive and diverse set of situationsrnencountered in underwater construction, underwaterrnsurveying, and maritime navigation. Users can definernelaborate virtual scenes that can accurately represent all thernrelevant elements associated with an underwater constructionrnjob, including complex structures and dynamic objects, suchrnas ROVs, vessels, etc. Real-time data from instruments andrnpositioning sensors is made available by using a publishingrnmechanism and a remote data server. Users with Internet orrnintranet access can subscribe to any real-time data field beingrnpublished and receive updates each time the informationrnchanges, allowing them to monitor and log the events of thernunderwater job at the same time they are taking place.rnThe use of advanced cueing techniques and multi-resolutionrnrendering make it possible to achieve interactive frame ratesrnwithout sacrificing accuracy and realism. The concept of 3Drnmodules will also be introduced. These powerful modules canrnbe linked to live data and attached to any element in the virtualrnenvironment including dynamic ones. This flexibility allowsrnthe users to monitor the data, not only as it changes, but alsornwithin the spatial context that makes the most sense. Thisrnpaper focuses on the visualization components of the proposedrnsolution, while providing a general description of the otherrntwo components (data acquisition, data distribution), andrndescribes the Ehime Maru recovery mission as an example ofrnan underwater job that benefited by using this technology.
机译:本文介绍了一套新的软件工具,这些工具将近实时可视化与发布和订阅机制集成在一起,以实现对水下场景中的动态对象的远程监视和控制。本文提出的方法涉及对现有技术的整合,以产生一种强大而灵活的解决方案,该解决方案很容易适应水下建筑,水下测量和海上航行中遇到的广泛多样的情况。用户可以定义精细的虚拟场景,这些场景可以准确表示与水下施工相关的所有相关元素,包括复杂的结构和动态对象,诸如ROV,船只等。通过使用发布机制和远程控制,可以获取来自仪器和定位传感器的实时数据。数据服务器。具有Internet内联网访问权限的用户可以订阅正在发布的任何实时数据字段,并在每次信息更改时接收更新,从而使他们可以在进行操作的同时监视和记录水下作业的事件。使用先进的提示技术和多分辨率渲染可以在不牺牲准确性和真实性的情况下实现交互式帧速率。 3Drnmodules的概念也将被介绍。这些功能强大的模块可以链接到实时数据,并可以附加到虚拟环境中的任何元素,包括动态元素。这种灵活性使用户不仅可以在数据变化时监视数据,还可以在最有意义的空间范围内监视数据。本文着重于提出的解决方案的可视化组件,同时提供了对其他两个组件(数据采集,数据分发)的一般描述,并描述了爱媛丸救援任务作为利用该技术受益的水下水下作业的示例。



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