首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics;International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction >Evaluation of Relationship Quality Within Dyads Through the Performance in Dual-Player Cooperative Tasks

Evaluation of Relationship Quality Within Dyads Through the Performance in Dual-Player Cooperative Tasks




Human beings are influenced widely by relationship among individuals. However, there is still a lack of a systematic, objective and direct way to assess the quality of relationships within dyads. The current study proposed a task-specific method to evaluate relationship quality within friends and lovers. Thirteen-eight paired friends and 38 paired lovers were recruited. All of them performed the Pattern Matching and Go/No-go task, and their task performance were recorded. The friendship and love quality were measured respectively. Based on the results, there is significant influence relationship between the average step of initial level in Pattern Matching task and quality of friendship within friends. Furthermore, both average time of advanced level in Pattern Matching task and total RT difference in Go/No-go task were related to the relationship quality between lovers. The study demonstrates the validity of task-specific evaluation interface for different relationship types, and provides a method improving the understanding of human social relationships by machines, which may be effective for establishment of affective interaction between humans and computers.
机译:人类受到个人之间的关系的广泛影响。但是,仍然缺乏系统,客观和直接的方式来评估二元内的关系质量。目前的研究提出了一种特定于任务的方法来评估朋友和恋人的关系质量。招募了十三八个配对的朋友和38个配对的恋人。所有这些都执行了模式匹配和GO / NO-GO任务,并记录了其任务性能。友谊和爱情质量分别测量。基于结果,初始级别匹配任务和朋友质量之间的平均级别之间存在显着影响关系。此外,模式匹配任务中的先进水平的平均时间和GO / No-Go任务中的Total RT差异与情侣之间的关系质量有关。该研究表明了不同关系类型的任务特定评估界面的有效性,并提供了一种通过机器改善人类社会关系的理解的方法,这对于建立人类和计算机之间的情感相互作用可能是有效的。



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