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DC Clean Rivers Project: Geotechnical Instrumentation Programs for Protecting Critical Infrastructures in the Nation's Capital

机译:DC Clean Rivers项目:用于保护国家资本的关键基础设施的岩土工程仪表计划



The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (DC Water) Long Term Control Plan (LTCP) (also known as the DC Clean Rivers (DCCR) project) consists of about 14 miles (23 km) of large-diameter tunnels and deep shafts constructed in soils. A total of 15 shafts with diameters up to 149 feet (45 m) and depths up to 193 feet (59 m); three large-diameter tunnels have been constructed in three contract divisions (Divisions A, H, and P) and procurement of a fourth tunnel project (Division J) is underway. The projects of the LTCP are located in the crowded urban environments and extensive geotechnical instrumentation programs were installed to monitor performance of shaft and tunnel construction for the protection of the critical infrastructure, including DC Metro, bridges, water lines, sewers, etc. Experience gained from each project allowed the protection of structures and geotechnical instrumentation requirements to be better adapted for the follow-on projects. This paper discusses how the structure protection criteria were set and tied to the instrumentation monitoring requirements in the RFP documents of the completed divisions and the implementation of the instrumentation programs during design and construction phases. Lessons learned are also included.
机译:哥伦比亚水和下水道管理局(DC水)长期控制计划(LTCP)(也称为DC Clean Rivers(DCCR)项目)由约14英里(23km)组成的大直径隧道和深轴建造在土壤中。总共15个直径可达149英尺(45米),深度高达193英尺(59米);三个大直径隧道已在三个合同部门(部门A,H和P)中构建,并正在进行第四隧道项目(j)的采购。 LTCP的项目位于拥挤的城市环境中,并安装了广泛的岩土工程仪器,以监测轴和隧道施工的性能,以保护关键基础设施,包括直流地铁,桥梁,水线,下水道等经验从每个项目允许保护结构和岩土工程要求,更好地适应后续项目。本文讨论了如何将结构保护标准设置和与仪器监测要求设定和与设计和建设阶段的仪器仪器仪器实施的仪器监测要求联系在一起。还包括经验教训。



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