首页> 外文期刊>Power Engineering >TACKLING ON-SITE POWER COSTS AT CRITICAL FACILITIES - DC UPS distributed throughout a critical infrastructure facility can reduce initial capital costs and lower overall O&M expenses

TACKLING ON-SITE POWER COSTS AT CRITICAL FACILITIES - DC UPS distributed throughout a critical infrastructure facility can reduce initial capital costs and lower overall O&M expenses

机译:应对关键设施的现场电费-分布在关键基础设施中的DC UPS可以减少初始资本成本并降低总体运维支出

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Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) issues are often solved at the facility level with unnecessarily large, inefficient, expensive and complex AC UPS systems. While this provides an easy demarcation between the facility and end equipment - with each focusing on a different part of the problem - it makes it difficult to determine overall operating efficiency and total cost of ownership. It also makes it hard to optimize performance.
机译:不间断电源(UPS)问题通常在设备级别使用不必要的大型,低效,昂贵和复杂的AC UPS系统解决。虽然这提供了设施与最终设备之间的简单区分(每个都针对问题的不同部分),但是却难以确定总体运营效率和总体拥有成本。这也使得优化性能变得困难。



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