首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Pedagogy, Communication and Sociology >I. Turgenev's Novel Rudin in Chinese Literary Studies

I. Turgenev's Novel Rudin in Chinese Literary Studies

机译:I. Turgenev在中国文学研究中的小说Rudin



The article discusses the relevant studies of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's works by Chinese litterateurs and critics from the second half of the 20th to beginning of the 21st century, notes the enduring interest of the Chinese audience to the work of Russian prose writer, in particular, to the novel Rudin. The author speaks of the attention to the prose writer's "path" to the novel, and proves that the special interest of scientists to Dmitry Rudin, the protagonist of this novel, which caused Chinese specifics and the relevance of many problems associated with this image. The article explains the evolution of the attitude of the Chinese to Rudin: from agreement with Russian researchers - a "superfluous person" - to disagreement with them. At the same time, the author compares Rudin with typically similar images in Chinese literature.
机译:本文讨论了Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev的相关研究由中国劳特国民和批评者从20世纪的下半年到21世纪开始,注意到中国观众对俄罗斯散文作家的工作的持久利益,特别是小说鲁文。作者谈到了对小说的散文作家的“道路”的关注,并证明了这部小说主角的科学家对Dmitry Rudin的特别兴趣,这引起了中国的细节和与这个图像相关的许多问题的相关性。本文阐述了汉语对鲁先的态度的演变:与俄罗斯研究人员的协议 - 一个“多余的人” - 与他们分歧。与此同时,作者将Rudin与通常在中国文学中的类似图像进行比较。



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