首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Art Studies: Science, Experience, Education >'Ottoman' VS 'Turkish': Rhetoric and Architectural Practice on the Eve of the Division of the Empire

'Ottoman' VS 'Turkish': Rhetoric and Architectural Practice on the Eve of the Division of the Empire




The article considers the formation of the national style of Turkish architecture in connection with the change of political rhetoric. Adjustment of eclecticism in the era of Tanzimat (mid-19th century) expressed in adapting of European historical styles to Ottoman conditions was replaced by an attempt to create its own neo-Ottoman style which corresponded to the development of the political doctrine of Ottomanism. After the Young Turks Revolution the national paradigm that had already been formed was declared a corresponding rhetoric of Turkism and was used to create the architecture of the first decade of the Turkish Republic. Thus, the same artistic realities were assessed in different ways depending on the political situation, and this approach is preserved in contemporary historiography.



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