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Regular Students Attitude toward Students with Special Educational Needs: A Comparative Study in Inclusive Private and Public Primary Schools




The aim of this study was to the comparative attitude of regular students toward the students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) based on inclusive private and public primary schools. The quantitative research method was selected for collecting data for the study. 266 students from several schools were involved in this research. In order to answer the research question of this study, the attitude of the students was measured using Chedoke-McMaster Attitudes Towards Children with Handicaps (CATCH) by Rosenbaum (1988) and had been adapted with good reliability (0,7). CATCH consists of 18 items which includes 3 dimensions of attitude (knowledge, affect and behavior). Data collection took place in the classrooms in November 2017. The result showed that there is a significant difference in attitude score between students from inclusive public primary schools (M=47.6, SD=5.2) and students from inclusive private primary schools (M=46.01, SD=4.47); t(264)=2.56, p<0.05. This study reveals that regular students' knowledge about the students with SEN is a possible reason to explain differences in attitude score between students from inclusive private and public primary schools. These findings also suggest future researcher to consider measurement tools to examine the attitude of regular students toward students with SEN.
机译:本研究的目的是普通学生对学生对具有特殊教育需求(SEN)的比较态度,基于包容性私人和公共小学。选择定量研究方法用于收集研究数据。来自几所学校的266名学生参与了这项研究。为了回答这项研究的研究问题,使用Chedoke-McMaster态度对Rosenbaum(1988)的伴侣(捕获)的儿童测量了学生的态度,并且已经适应了良好的可靠性(0,7)。捕获包括18项,其中包括3个态度维度(知识,影响和行为)。数据收集于2017年11月在教室中进行。结果表明,来自包容性公共小学(M = 47.6,SD = 5.2)和来自包容性私人小学的学生之间的学生之间的态度得分有显着差异(M = 46.01 ,sd = 4.47); T(264)= 2.56,P <0.05。本研究表明,定期学生对学生的知识有关与森的学生是解释来自包容性私营和公共小学学生态度得分差异的可能性。这些调查结果还建议未来的研究人员考虑测量工具,以检查普通学生对学生的态度。



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