
Verbs of Movement in the Selkup Language




In the Selkup dialects the lexical-semantic group of movement verbs is represented by a large amount of the verbs describing various ways of movement, its nature, general orientation against the speaker, environment in which this movement occurs, and some other additional components. Most Selkup verbs of movement (60%) are monosemantic, i.e. about 60% of meanings does not repeat, they are peculiar to one verb of movement. In the Selkup lexico-semantic group of verbs of movement the synonymic relations are poorly developed in comparison with Russian in spite of the fact that among the Selkup verbs of movement the synonymy is more developed than in other lexico-semantic groups of the studied language. Selkup verbs of movement can be divided into two groups: verbs of undirected movement and verbs of directed movement. The group of verbs of directed movement includes two subgroups: verbs with absolute orientation (verbs of vector movement in horizontal direction, verbs of vector movement in vertical direction) and verbs with relative orientation (verbs denoting orientation of the movement to an object, verbs denoting orientation of the movement from an object). The verb q?nqo is the central element of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of movement in the Taz dialect of the Selkup language. The semantics of this verb does not include the description of conditions in which the movement occurs, its direction, way and mode; however, some meanings of this verb are oriented in space. The verbs ?ā?gu and kwangu are the central elements of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of movement in the southern and central dialects of the Selkup language. Description of the general direction of the movement (approach or removal) and orientation in space is the most essential feature of the Selkup verbs of movement. There are several specifics of the lexico-semantic group of verbs of movement in the Selkup dialects: existence of the space-oriented verbs; verbs denoting movements in space
机译:在Selkup方言中,Lexical-语义组的运动动词由描述各种动作方式的大量动词,其性质,对扬声器的一般方向,发生这种移动的环境以及其他一些附加组件。大多数塞尔康斯动词的运动(60%)是单血统的,即约60%的含义不重复,它们是一个运动动词的特殊。在Selkup Lexico-Semantic组的动词中,同义词关系与俄语相比,尽管如此,SELKUP动词中的SELKUP动词比在学习语言的其他词典语义中更开发。运动动词的SELKUP动词可分为两组:无向移动的动词和定向运动的动词。定向移动的动词组包括两个子组:具有绝对取向的动词(水平方向的矢量运动动词,垂直方向的动词)和相对取向的动词(动词表示移动到物体的移动方向,动词表示从物体的运动的定向)。动词Q?NQO是TAZ语言的TAZ方言中Lexico-Semantic组动词的中央元素。该动词的语义不包括发生运动的条件的描述,其方向,方式和模式;然而,这种动词的一些含义在太空中导向。动词?ā?古和思谷是塞克普语言南部和中央方言中的词典语义组的中央元素。对运动(方法或移除)的总体方向和空间方向的描述是运动动词的最重要特征。在Selkup方言中有几个词汇语义组的动作动词的细节:面向空间的动词的存在;在空间中表示动作的动词



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