
The Catastrophic Impact of Right




Each human being on planet Earth has his/her own place under the sun, a house, a country, and also freedom which enables the person to change all these how everyone wants or simply obliged to do so. Some people emigrate leaving their own country when the political regime changes, and when economy and security orders are destroyed, like the things happened in 1989. Following that catastrophe launched in the name of democracy, millions of people have remained jobless, homeless and hopeless. Ohers have left their country because God Mars has caused crises on their mother's land, the way things take place in Syria, in Northern Africa, and of course in many other places on the Blue Planet nowadays. This type of migration, in the high technological century in which hypersonic speed is practised, has not contributed to improving migratory people's human condition, it led on the contrary to humanitarian, demographic, existential and catastrophes of civilization. The migrating human floods that have covered Western Europe - the praiseworthy tree - have generated such effects, that by respecting proportions, they could be comparable to those produced by the Second World War. Suddenly, the great European capitals, the perils of the western civilization settled there thousand years ago (as a result of the battles they had always won), have found themselves overrun by Moslems, Africans, Asians and other peoples who shuddered the West, like the crusaders had terrified the East centuries ago. The huge economic power and the Western grand resources of civilization have not succeeded either to blur such phenomenon or to assimilate immigrants. Thus, one of the most human Man's right - the right to migration - has generated a nightmare in the most civilized and elegant places on the Earth.
机译:每个人在地球上都有他/她自己的地方,在阳光下,一个房子,一个国家,也是自由,这使得该人能够改变所有这些人的人们想要或根本有义务。有些人在政治制度的变化时搬迁到自己的国家,当经济和安全订单被摧毁时,就像1989年发生的事情一样。在那种灾难以民主的名义推出之后,数百万人仍然失业,无家可归者和绝望。厄尔斯离开了他们的国家,因为上帝火星导致他们母亲的土地危机,在叙利亚,北非的途径,当然在现在蓝色星球上的许多其他地方。这种类型的迁移,在实践过度的高度技术的世纪中,没有促进改善迁徙人的人体状况,它导致了与人道主义,人口统计,存在的文明灾难相悖。迁徙的人类洪水覆盖了西欧 - 可值得称道的树木 - 已经产生了这种影响,即通过尊重比例,它们可能与第二次世界大战产生的那些相当。突然,伟大的欧洲首都,西方文明的危险已经存在千年前(由于他们总是赢了的战斗),发现自己被穆斯林,非洲人,亚洲人和其他人颤抖着西方的人民的超越十字军遭遇了东部几世纪以前吓坏了。巨大的经济力量和西方文明的宏伟资源并没有成功地模糊这种现象或吸收移民。因此,最人类人类的权利之一 - 迁移权 - 在地球上最文明和优雅的地方产生了噩梦。



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